
Feeling: shattered
hey ppls, hehe i dont really feel sexy i just thouth it wud be funny. lalalalalala im so bored. got nothing to do. i love cold weather. something bout it just makes me happy. i dont like hot weather or summer or spring. its too hot n there is too much sunshine. i prefer it to be dark n rainy n cold. that is the perfect day to me. some may say that is crazy but i dun really care what other ppl think, they can just kiss my pale white bootay. man pop up blockers, ha....i dl one n it barely works. at least it was free bc i wudda got my money back. lol. has neone noticed that i am always listenin to hoobastank. they are jus such a great band n all their songs rock. n the lead singer, i forget his name, but he is hot. hehe. well neways ~skittles is out~
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prolly cus your nipples get hard during the cold and it turns you on!! lmmfao! hehe. you know u like that kinky shit lmao. i'm jest kidding wit ya :-P

Yeah.. the Evil old Lady wit the Cottage Cheese growing someplace it shouldn't is gunna come n get you!! LMMFAO :-P you know i'm pickin hehe. cya
