
Feeling: hungry
well i didnt get my liscence. mom didnt have the right registration for the truck. so that was a bummer. saw something i've never seen today at church. a woman who has been going there for quite a long time some demons cast out of her. i've seen demons spit out before, but i've never heard them talk. it was the wierdest thing. they were saying things like, she already has her gods she doesnt need any more, she's ours, you can try all you want but im not coming out, and then at one point one of them said God your power is turning me. man it will send chills down your spine. something you definately have to witness yourself. they did that in the church with her for about three hours. a (small) garbage bag full of spit out demons. it's....well it's something. it's hard to explain. anyone reading this probably thinks i'm crazy or something but believe it cause it's true. tomorrow we go on vacation. i can't wait. i hope melissa comes tomorrow, she had better. i hope to get my liscence for real some day next week. hopfully(fingers crossed) i guess it makes sense, the first time i tried to get my permit i didnt have all the right information and i couldnt do it. but the second time i did. maybe this is just like it. i dunno. but i sure miss seeing my friends.
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