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Feeling: torn
ok, perhaps i shud have been a little more specific on my last entry. i myself am not bulimic. i wanted to talk to someone who was tho. bc im trying to be bulimic but i have a hard time making myself puke. so i wanted to see if i cud get some pointers. i know that its not healthy, and it can mess up a lot of crap in ur body and stuff but i just wanted to try it. ok so yea . there ya go.
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I have acis reflex, which is different, but I still throw-up. Ya wanna know what it does? My troat is so thin layed that in a few years I will havta get an operation, or end up not talking and having to have a hole in my troat with a voice box. That what happens when U trow-up allot. I could'nt help it but you can. Let me tell you it sucks.