
well fuck. the whole weekend without my internet...sucked major ass. well. lets start with friday... katrina's boyfriend broke up with her and i found out two minutes after getting to school...and from that moment on i wanted to find mike and beat the shit out of his lying cheating ass.....eh hem...i didnt see him all day though...so i couldnt. the first part of the day just went by slowly and all....then at lunch... a lot of people were at that dui thingy so no one could find katrina so rachael, mariah, mike and me all went to find her. we didnt...but i saw her going to 4th. she seemed ok but i was really really worried. it was friday the 13th...everyone was seeming to have a bad day...which made me have a bad day because i felt bad for all of my friends having bad days...and now i feel even worse because i dont remember any one else's problems... nope, i cant remember any other problem any one else was having except for katrina's....oh yeah i remember one..i stabbed daryl in the ....um, crotch....right after rhonda told me what had happened...i was very upset and i wasnt ready to be bothered.....i know he didnt mean to and he was very mad at me for that and i dont blame him at all....but he forgave me eventually... oh what a day.... then on saturday...i was dealing with the fact that i wouldnt be able to get online until monday....bc the place was closed....that sucked...while i was washing clothes, i laid out in our pool....for ..two hours. got really sunburned on my back and the back of my legs...which is why i didnt go to school today... so i 've been sitting around unable to put on a shirt for the past two days or so...fun times...NOT... anyways, i think i can make it tomorrow as long as NO ONE TOUCHES ME...i might have to make myself a sign and hang out around my neck becasue just as soon as i say please dont touch me someone will touch me in spite....before i get to the part where i say i have incredibly bad sunburn and it hurts to move ....you bastard....but anyways, i hope i dont die of pain tomorrow....i think i'll just be pale for the rest of my life...i thought getting some sun would make my legs look at little bit better but....as my mom so wonderfully reminded me today....i dont have her legs and i never will. i went in town today with my mom and it was painful...but not as bad as it would have been yesterday...maybe by tomorrow it will be better... i hope jesse came to school today. its his turn to be stuck at school....ha...but he probably came , realized i wasnt there, and then left. bastard. just two weeks left...it makes me so sad...but at least i dont have to worry about what will happen...its almost over. life sucks.
Read 4 comments
Sunburns suck ass. I'll be sure not to touch you. lol
yeaah friday sucked... so did today
i have made a desision to just walk away when pain stars to hit you should do the same
dani told me he wanted to ask me out but i have liked mike since the beggining of the 2nd semester