sugar we're going down swingin

once again..angry..but i feel pretty good to be so angry. josh is an asshole...thank you god that i've finally realized this and i can say it ...i've said it before but now i know i'll never go back to him...i love mike and mike loves me way too much for me to throw that away. i could just feel how relieved he was when i said that i didnt care about josh anymore. mike is the person i'm supposed to be with and everyone sees it. i just spent he last half hour telling josh how full of shit he is and to leave me and rikki alone. and if i hear about him messing with rikki anymore..i'll kick his ass myself... he is all "hurt" becuase we're all thinking that he's lying..and he doenst remember anything that happened and blah blah blah. now josh washburn..and josh's sister mandy are talking to me about it...this is such bull. everything is getting blown out of proportion and i'm sick of explaining why he's an ass. and his sister is on my josh is off somewhere away from his house cutting himself and he'll be at school tomorrow ..or mabye not...showing everyone just for attention. omg i feel like exploding im so angry and i want to kill him. fuck josh...why did i ever think he wasnt lying to me..that's all he's ever done... josh needs help...serious mental help. and medication...lots of it. someone should try to help him...maybe he'll leave.
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of course he will make a point to wear a short sleave shirt and complain about the pain with a half smirk on his face, because will have cut his arms like he always does.
i think josh i bipolr... or just an ass hole.... he does need help and he needs it now.... he is so stupid.... god... why haven't you called me yet? CALL ME! love you