its a survey....awesome dude,

Feeling: torn
Heres some question bored THREE THINGS THAT SCARE ME: 01 | normal ppl 02 | spiders 03 | losing my friends ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE PEOPLE WHO MAKE ME LAUGH: 01 | Eddie 02 | Matt 03 | Robert ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE THINGS I LOVE: 01 | the friends 02 | my sister 03 | my pets ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE THINGS I HATE: 01 | ppl who hate me 02 | sitting at home on saturday nights 03 | sucky music ----------------------------------------------------------- THREE THINGS I DON'T UNDERSTAND: 01 |when ppl try to be something they're not 02 |why guys lie 03 |why is it so hard to find ppl to trust ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE THINGS I'M DOING RIGHT NOW: 01 | listening to music 02 | talking to ppl 03 | wishing eddie wud get on ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE: 01 | fall in love 02 | get something peirced 03 | have lived a damn good life ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE THINGS I CAN'T DO: 01 | trust ppl easily 02 | beleive in myself 03 | find a fucking bf man ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE THINGS I THINK YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO: 01 | BREAKING BENJAMIN!! 02 | your heart 03 | advice...even if u dont take it ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE THINGS I DON'T THINK YOU SHOULD EVER LISTEN TO: 01 | ppl who think they know everything 02 | rap music 03 | gossip, or what other ppl say about you ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE THINGS I SAY THE MOST: 01 | dude 02 | awesome 03 | shit ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE OF YOUR ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS: 01 | cereal 02 | chocolate 03 | chips ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE THINGS YOU'D LIKE TO LEARN: 01 | to read minds 02 | how to not be so bitchy all the time 03 | why ppl hate me so much ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE BEVERAGES YOU DRINK REGULARLY: 01 | sprite 02 | water 03 | alocohol..whenever i can... ------------------------------------------------------------ THREE SHOWS YOU WATCHED WHEN YOU WERE A KID: 01 | Sesame Street 02 | Cops 03 | Barney....scared me for life ---------------------------------------------------------------- RANDOM QUESTIONS.. 1. Spell your name backwards? aivlys 2. How did you get your journal name? idk i just thought it up
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sweet diary uh ya later
Nice survey thing.