Dreamland X - #15

The king's soldiers were suffering badly. They had fought fiercely throughout the entire battle, but their numbers were beginning to dwindle. They rushed a mad mob of angry enemy soldiers and most of them were all struck down, but were joined by half of the remaining knights of the Order in order to fight the tide of enemies back. The enemies presented before the knights archers armed with arrows, arrows whose arrowheads were forged with the vampire killing metal. It was sickening to watch. The line of archers released a single volley into the advancing line of knights, and every single knight fell dead, with an arrow in their head, chest or gut. I don't remember who led the charge first, Strycnine or myself, but either one led a masive charge of knights against the ragged line of archers. I don't remember a time in my life when I showed less mercy to en enemy either. Using my two swords I hacked my way through the ranks of archers, brutally slashing anyone aside who was stupid enough to get in my way. When we had finished, the entire mass of archers lay dead, and most of the knights who had come to fight were also dead. I saw Srycnine, who had also been pelted down by the enemy archers, and lay dead on his bck with three of the arrows in his chest. My rage filled me. I almost lost it there and then, but I looked back up to the carbage around me, and saw the brutal massacre of all the knights, white armoured guards and king's soldiers around me. Kirk took one of the arrows to the chest, while Vincent took one to the head. Both fell dead, amongst the dozens of unknown enemy soldiers who lay dead on the top of the wall. I saw Athran fighting off a horde of enemy soldiers, and I shouted his name as I saw an enemy soldier bearing a sword forged with the gleaming vampire killing metal approaching him from behind. Athran was struck down after that, and I saw Kathleen in a similar situation. I couldn't let anything happen to her, so I shoved and hacked and slashed my way through the waves of enemy soldiers in a futile attempt to get to her before she was killed. It was too late. A large man, bearing an axe made of the metal swung his axe level with her waist into her spine, and a look of shock came over her pale face before she dropped her sword and sagged to her knees. My eyes widened as I screamed, but my cries were drowned out in the noise around me. I ran towards the large man, and before he could bring back his axe to swing it, I threw my stolen sword, and it plunged into his throat. I jumped onto his shoulders and sank my fangs into his neck, eager to suck every drop of blood from his body for his actions. I succeeded, and looked at the battle once more. The white armoured guards finished off the remaining enemy troops on the ramparts, and rushed down into the courtyard to engage the troops rushing through the broken gate, which had broken some time during the fighting. I turned my back to the battle once I saw Inekwar and his mother leading the fight. They were both good fighters and I was confident they could win, so I turned my attention to Kathleen's body, which lay face down on the cold stone. "I'm sorry...I couldn't protect you." I said to myself, fully aware she wouldn't answer me. I took the ring I had given to her off of her finger and gripped it within my clenched fist. I swore revenge. The white armoured guards cheered loudly as they finished off the troops who had invaded the courtyard, and drove back the rest. Inekwar approached me, and pleaded with me to pursue Janet's soldiers as they fled away from the castle. I told him to regroup their troops and count our losses, and he nodded. I dropped to my knees and sat by myself amid the dead bodies.
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