Dreamland - Inekwar #8

The dragon and I soared above the Oasis, eventually coming over a large grove, filled with fog. It circled a few times before slowing down and coming in for a landing by the large ring of trees. The fog was too thick to see through, and I dismounted the dragon and stood by its edge.

"Is this where Wrath is?" I asked.

"Yes. You need only make it through the fog." the Dragon said.

I nodded slowly and pulled my sword from its sheath. I pointed it towards the fog and pulled the hood of my cloak over my head. I nervously stepped forward, unsure of what I would find.

"You will not need your weapons. This is a peaceful place." the Dragon said, hunkering down and resting on the ground.

I nodded again and put my sword into its sheath. I stepped forward into the fog, and after walking for a few moments, I couldn't see anything around me. I was confused, but I refused to turn back. I continued through the mist, ignoring all the sounds around me.

I felt something brush past my arm, ruffling my sleeves. A gust of wind followed the thing, which caused my cloak to flutter. I felt my body begin to tremble in fear, but I clenched my fists and continued forward.

"I can see you, Inekwar the Destroyer!" a strange voice bellowed from within the mist. It didn't have a source, it came from all around me. I tensed, not sure what would happen next.

"To whom do I speak?" I asked loudly.

"I have no name, some simply call me the Spirit of the Blade." the voice said.

"Are you the Spirit of Wrath?" I asked.

"Yes, I have been called that as well." the voice said.

"Then you can take me to it?" I asked.

The voice chuckled loudly.

"I have seen your soul human, and I sense great conflict in you." the Spirit said.

"Conflict?" I asked.

"Yes...Part of you sees the need for a hero like yourself to free the people, but you also seek revenge for the capture of your father. You are unsure what to do with the blade, be the hero...or seek vengeance." the Spirit said, seeing straight through my soul.

"I will free the people." I said.

"And sacrifice your father?" the Spirit asked.

I felt choked up. If freeing the people meant having to sacrifice my father, then my whole quest out into the Wastelands to free him will have been meaningless. But at the same time, it will have had some meaning, because I will have freed the people.

Would my father make the same choice?

"If need be, he would make the same choice." I said boldly, knowing what my father would do. But then again, he was a hero, and essentially a good person. And I wasn't.

The Spirit laughed.

"I believe he would. Fear not, young Inekwar, I shall not keep you from the blade. You shall find what you seek." the voice said, before the mist cleared, revealing a long dirt path to a large stone pedestal.

It was elaborately carved, with tiny designs and ancient words and letters strewn about it. The actual sword was far more magnificent, however.

It's blade was long and crystal clear, with an elaborate golden hilt. Polished black leather was wrapped around the handle, with a huge emerald embedded into the bottom. I approached with caution, reaching out nervously when I neared it.

I grabbed the handle and lifted it out slowly. As I held it up, I found it had almost no weight. The blade shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting beams of light in every direction. The sheer power of the sword was almost overwhelming, but I managed to hold onto it.

I removed my old sword from its sheath and embedded its blade in the ground, before replacing it with Wrath. I walked back out the way I came in, and saw the Dragon still resting on the ground.

"I almost don't believe my eyes, but there it is! The blade forged by the gods!" the Dragon exclaimed.

"Yes. Now we have to head across the sand to the fortress of the Prince of Darkness. Only then will the people be free." I said, hopping up onto the Dragon's back.

With a huge flap of his wings, we were off, racing across the desert, nearing the fortress. I set my jaw and stared ahead, filled with a new sense of purpose.

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