Dreamland - Golden Knight #3

The sound of thundering hooves was deafining. Even through the confines of my steel helmet. I hefted up my spear and took my place beside Kysos, who was bearing down on the suited man faster than the rest of us.

The suited man looked up at our charging group and smirked. Right away, I got a very bad feeling about him. He held up his palm, and his smirk turned into a grin.

As he grinned, a huge plume of hellfire erupted from his hand, swirled about in the air and then blasted straight towards us. I felt myself tense up as it arced towards us knights, and I dropped my spear. I grabbed Kysos and Rayough and then leapt from my horse's back, bringing them both down to the ground with me.

As he crashed to the ground, we tumbled forward before coming to a stop. The huge blast of fire whooshed by over our heads and incinerated half of the grup of charging knights. Their horses panicked and darted off in every direction, tossing their riders or taking them along for the ride.

Inekwar was knocked from his horse by the blast, landing hard on his back. His horse galloped off the battlefield and away from the action as he slowly climbed to his feet.

"Damn." he said to himself, looking behind us at the incinerated knights and their scorched armour.

The heat from the blast subsided, allowing Kysos, Rayough and myself to stand.

The suited man laughed, a dark laughter that filled the sky. I saw Rayough shudder, and I laid my hand on his shoulder pauldron.

"Easy, boy." I said, trying to sound as reassuring as I could possibly be.

"You'll pay for all the knights you killed today!" Kysos bellowed at the suited man, who chuckled again.

"Oh yeah? Come and get me." the man said.

Kysos drew his blade and charged forward with a shout, and the suited man stood still. I could see the black bladed longsword sheathed on his side, but he didn't draw it.

Kysos drew closer, and raised his sword above his head, preparing to strike down. As he prepared his swing, the suited man lashed out and punched Kysos in the throat. He gagged, dropped his sword and sagged to his knees, unable to breathe.

"Fool." the suited man spat. He looked up at Inekwar.

Inekwar snarled at him through gritted teeth.

"I remember your face. I sent the Four Horsemen after you before they turned on me." he rasped, before a smirk came to his face.

"I remember." Inekwar said silently.

"It relieves me to know that your father has died." the suited man said.

That was it for Inekwar. He drew his glimmering sword and charged forward, filled with rage. The suited man attempted to dodged the attack, but Inekwar grabbed him with his out stretched arm. He grabbed a handful of the suited man's tunic and tossed him through the air, and he landed with a loud thud before skidding through the dirt.

The suited man stood and drew his sword.

"Nicely done." he said, before charging at Inekwar.

Their blades clashed together brightly, and with more speed than I had ever seen. Sparks shot out from every impact, filling me with fear. Their power was so great that the energy of Dreamland itself seemed to be filling their attacks.

I grabbed Rayough and pulled him back as the intensity of their duel grew. Inekwar was determined to end the fight right then and there, but the suited man pressed the attack.

The suited man kicked Inekwar back and gripped the hilt of his sword tightly. He channeled his energy into the blade of the sword, which began to glow with a transparent purple hue. He muttered something under his breath and swung the word, sending two purple energy discs hurtling towards Inekwar.

Inekwar's breastplate took the brunt of the impact, and actually cracked. The impact jarred his teeth and sent him hurtling backward through one of the few remaining homes, which in turn collapsed on him.

"Inekwar!" I shouted.

The suited man laughed, and put his sword back into its sheath. He glared at me and Rayough before turning and flying straight up into the air and away from all the carnage he had caused.

I ran towards the building that had collapsed on Inekwar, to see his armoured hand shoot out from the wreckage and begin to pull himself out.

Rayough appeared by my side and grabbed Inekwar's other shoulder, and together we pulled him out.

"Are you okay?" Rayough asked.

Inekwar appeared out of breath.

"I knew he was strong...but damn...he very nearly blew my armour right off!" Inekwar exclaimed, before panting and pulling himself to his feet.

The other knights who were with us helped Kysos to his feet, who shook his head and started giving orders.

"Okay, men. Let's back back to headquarters. Consult the priests. Something tells me we'll need a little more power on our side the next time we meet this suited man." Kysos said, picking his sword up and putting it back into its sheath.

We walked in silence for quite some time before we finally spoke.

"Do we have a chance of beating this guy, Inekwar?" Rayough asked.

Inekwar's face went grim.

"I hope so, kid." he said softly.

Defeated, we marched back home in silence.

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