
Listening to: christmas
Feeling: schizophrenic
grr... today.. was so boring. i did absolutely nothing. i woke up this morning. i was just lying there.. and i dunno why.. but i felt like cutting myself or sumthin.. dunno why.. well maybe i do kno why.. but.. ya.. but i didnt. i have NEVER... but.. yea.. i thought that was strange. hmm.. but i dont have the urge to n e more.. i dont think. lol.. i had a really weirde dream last night. first.. i was with my sis., lauren. and megan. and we were gonna go to pensylvania to go shopping. so we all went to the Seaside bridge.. and they all jumped off in the middle on brigde.. and i was too scared.. so i had to go to the sides where it was lower? and jump.. then they were collecting stuff from bottom of the bay.. and then we were just like swimming. and i dunno.. i remember thinking.. if we were gonna swim our way to pennsylvania.. then i went to the beach.. and there was a boat.. and there was this older guy there and he had a wet suit on.. and i had forgotten to wear mine. and so the ocean was like 60-70 and then the deeper it was colder.. and so i was just like its ok.. i'll just be cold.. and so we road out far into the ocean.. and we jumped in to study sharks! or sumthin.. and i stayed at the survice.. and then a shark was swimming towards me and i was flippin out and tryin to swim away.. but the shark was too fast and it caught up to me.. but it didnt harm me or n e thing. i thought that was strange too... i have no clue why i dreamed them.. lol.. strange.. i know.. hmm... me and my mom put a 500 peice puzzle together today.. we just got done at 11:30pm.. lol.. and we started at like 6... but we kinda went off and on.. lol.. well.. nothing else to tell... so... write later? bye! -nicole-
Read 11 comments
ewie. u got yer diary to work. mine still isnt. haha. AND DONT EVER EVER EVER CUT YOURSELF, EVER.....rawr. and that was a pretty siik dream. haha. last night, i had one where my bf stole my moms car. haha. MERRY XMAS, AND JOYOUS KWANZA WOMAN!!!! love you.
take care.
yeah that happens sometimes
thanks for the comment it was very kind of you
no prop
i cut my wrist yesterday. shh... you're the only person who knows for now... i have to tell Jenn later... i have no idea why i did it... ok i lied. its because im sick of my parents expecting me to be like my brother. im sick of them telling me all the B's on my report card should be A's and the A's A+'s. im sorry. i just dumped my problems on you... i just feel so alone right now for some reason. well i'll talk to you later.
Hey, i thought i would share the comment wealth and walk another rung on the comment ladder...taht sounds liek quite the dream, it reminds me of the dream i had once where my family and i were going to body board to Aruba, from my house in Ontario hahaha see ya!
(read the bottom first) and of course i will try not to let it bother me anymore... as long as you promise to not cut. lol. bye
I am sorry if I am bothering you, but I was wondering if you could help me.. for some reason I can't place a new entry.. I keep getting:
Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [1186]
Do you know why I keep getting this and why I can't add a new entry? Thanks.
Thanks for the comment on my diary! Yeah, my friends call me quirky (weird mostly, heh) so it's kind of the theme.

ive gotten myself into something... in so deep.. and i dont think i can get myself outta it. i forgot to clean the kitchen today.. and my mom totally flipped out on me.. if i tell her now what ive gotten into.. i think she might throw me outta the house.

(I read that in Kaiann's diary. What's that about?)

And DON'T CUT! Nikki, please, don't. Already two of my friends started, and I feel like it's my fault. I feel horrible. PLEASE don't.
you know i wont tell. and i want you to know you can tell me anything. secrets are safe here. and no problem dumping your stuff on me...hey what are friends for? ;) ill talk to you later. bye. and if i dont talk to you before then have a very merry christmas. i miss you and love you most.