:- ... we didnt do that great.

Listening to: .... music..
Feeling: eh
at the competition.. it was soo much fun... right before we performed... I was soo scared!!! i didnt think i would be able to do it.. but i did!! I was shaking during it.. but not terribly.. and then after words... I couldnt breathe!! lol.. god.. you shoulda heard me!! my friend Kassie and Sarah.. they were like nicole breathe!!! breathe slower!! take deeper breaths!! haha.. it was soo funny.. I had a blast! when we went to the award ceremony we found out our place.... we got 10th outta 25. :-... not that great.. but we didnt get last!! some people said they thought we did better.. but.. w/e.. and this kid Anthony on guard.. in the middle of the show.. he had a solo thing.. and he threw an 8 spin toss on his rifle!! it just barely made it in the gym.. cuz the ceiling was kinda low. heh. but he did it!! it was awesome. at that point the crowd just went wild!!! hah. and then after wards random people would just go and shake his hand! hah.. anyways... Zac went!! :-D at first.. I wasnt feeling good.. and my stomache hurt.. than i tried eating.. and it made it worse.. and so then me and zac went in his car.. :).. I had fun.. heh. :-D. then there was this guy in front of us.. but facing us.. cuz we were all parked.. cuz we were in a parking lot.. heh.. and this guy.. was just like starring at us.. i was like omg! lol.. then i was just sitting on the ground.. heh. then his sister, his mom, and anthony came over.. then zac left with his mom to go check on their nephew cuz he was sick.. i guess?.. then me, elena, and anthony were walkin back to the school where the competition was at.. and Mr. sanz (our band director.. but helps with winterguard) he was walking other direction. then he said to me.. Nicole.. your here.. I thought you left. and i said.. oh.. no... then elena goes.. she was in the car making out with my brother. and then anthony goes..erhhh erhmm.. a lil more than that!! and of coarse i was all.. nuh uh! heh.. then a lil later elena was askin me how my makeup had to be.. and so i told her.. and shes like I'll be right back! ill go buy you some makeup!! so she left with Kathleens lil sister.. i think her name is kelly?.. anyways.. so me and anthony went by the parking lot waiting for the rest of the guard to come.. and hes like.. so nicole... what did you and zac really do!? and im like I wasnt feeling good. and hes all.. uhhh huhhh.. lol.. so.. that was funy.. hmm.. nothing else... !!!!! im okay.. heh.. later. !!!!! Nicole !!!!!
Read 11 comments
haha breathe nicole! :P i'm glad you had a good time! and 10th is not bad when it's not last! :D

didnt do so good? nicole are u crzy? we made top ten and middle A class..according to kristin we did great..(she was talkin about it in the band room last nite)..ur crzy and I KNEW something happend w/U AND ZAC!! U whore!..lol..jk..Mucho Amor..u know it!..lol..I hope u guys go out again..im tired of the depressed nicole..i want u to be happy again!lol.well theres only 77 characters left so i guess ill stop this obnoxious comment.

I got kicked out of guard, I loved winter guard. Good times, I was a sabre chick myself. Xmyputerx is my good friend, thats how I got ur name. xoAmy-Lee
glad u had fun. in the car...and at the competition. my weekend so sucked. the guy i was all 'with' said i wasnt good enough for him anymore.
im so turning into a complete lesbian.
hah. n u think im kidding.

i love you. im glad things got better. good luck with u n zac.
so on. blah blah.
I think you should pleasure zac everywhere and make him change his mind about dating you.so he would end up asking you out.~Dr. Swartz, Cosmopolitian.
hahhah thats aweomse!!! soudns like you had funnn : )))) lol i miss you !!! love youu!!! jenn
Hehe sounds like a lotta fun!!
Thanks 4 commenting, I felt special. xoAmy-Lee
yo. dude. im liking yer bg. its so PERDY! hehe. but its hard to read the links...the pinks just TOO light. hehe
love ya woman
Yey. Pretty!
you changed your background. i like it!!