rabbit food

Listening to: travis - afterglow
Feeling: anxious
im on a huge salad kick.. ever since we stopped at the horrid cajun place with chicken that was not chicken i've been in love with salad. mmmm i've had 3 today already. hearts. its one of those days that i just feel like complete shit. i don;t feel physically sick.. cough, runny nose etc.. but i think i'm getting sick anyway. emotionally drained.. but more of motivationally drained.. i have many things to do and they are ganging up on me.. most of them don;t even matter and are now pushing out those things that do matter a.k.a. oil painting. too much.. im starting to be stretched to thin.. i need to stop something but there is nothing to cut... i can do these a little longer.. but im worn out. i couldn't paint in either art class today i had to do an english paper which i couln't do last night as i had seating auditions for symphony which i butchered then a rocky rehearsal.. well shocky but w/e. there is no let up. i have 9 stright periods.. followed by working thru activity to SAT classes til 4:30. then i have rehearsals for seussical, and theres 42nd street which is the only time i breathe. mix this with violin lessons, chem labs, english research paper, rocky/shocky rehearsals, 3 hour symphony rehearsals and nyssma. portfolio review days coming up soon too. the next two months = hell. hurrrah. but on the upside, i was told i wasnt; a whore this weekend. i wasn;t giving as many hugs as usual i guess. either way we got fynlandia to go. ugh.. i feel so scummy... letting people down and being commended for not being a whore makes me feel rotted away. i have nothing there. mush. blahhh. it tastes bad. that mush wants to come out.. i want my paints. =( i miss them more than anything.. prolly b/c they are right in front of me and i cannot touch them.....
Read 2 comments
yes.salad is awesome
hey,it showed progression and restraint on your part. And as far as all these responsabilities,it shows you have talents..a "well rounded" individual