
Feeling: wanted
okay so normally i would make this a private entry because its so long but i guess i just feel the need to leave the door open in case anyone has anything inspirational to say haha. bad news first.. well first of all i weigh a grand total of.... 97/98lbs. the scale wont make up its mind. i had gained some cuz i started to make myself eat even though it turns my stomach. nothing but drinks really taste good. and it pisses me off because now i just have on less thing to take pleasure in. FOOD. im getting A LITTLE shakey too. not good for art im kind of scared that my body will start using my muscles to make up for the food i dunno. i dont want to end up flabby or worse skin and bones. while this lasts im probably going to have to start running or something i dont wanna look more gross than i already do.. my mom continues to pressure me about florida. i dont know anything about that place how can i tell her if i wanna move there. stupid whore.. my grandma is nagging me about buying clothes. GOOD NEWS! im doing better in school. ALMOST have that A in algebra2 now. Hooray for me. everyone give me nice comments. and tonight i think im playing in a corn field. maybe some movies as well. so far its just gonna be me the racist and the two other non white kids. tonight is supposed to be warm so i dont think ill go home. well see if i can make it this time. i dont wanna come home im too stressed blah and im always tired but i can never sleep! arg i just need a brake i would run away but i have nowhere to go maybe i just need to get drunk or something who know. old habbits die hard .
Read 4 comments
Don't get drunk. With as little as you weigh, it'll be really bad for you. And my aim is RockrGrl2much, so im me. I live in FL, and can tell you whatever you want to know! LoL

Pees. ~*Kristina
how did you get your mouse when you put it on soemthing to make it look like that. or the letters. if you know what i am talkin bout!haha. well can you show me how you did that?!
okay thanks muchos! ill be ona lil later and i will IM you!!
Heya. Running is fabulous. It hurts like a mofo while you're doing it, but afterwards is feels awsome. And remember. Muscle weights something like twice what fat does. :) That is my inspirational note for today.

Have an awsome one :) Bye now