its JEREMY in the marines aww tear* what a skinny kid but he has nice blue eyes.might be too small to tell..
this is the lasttime i will talk about pat. * i promise*
do you not even want to be my friend? because i know youve seen everything about how i just needed one thing from you and you still refuse. even as a friend. well if my friendship doesnt mean that much to you then fuck your friendship.i never thought id have to say these things to you, of all people, but now i have a really bad image of you, because you werent around to make me think differently. im done waiting on you. can you believe i actually said all that?
on a much better note.. its christmas eve!!!! and theres... SNOW! holy shit its what ive been waiting for im so incredibly happy about the freakin snow!
i think i will break tradition and not attend church this year. i always get in nice clothes and put on my dimond necklace to go to a candle light service. but my parents go to a new church now. tradition is already broken and it would be strange to see lauren and simon if they were there.
now im off to finish my drawing and watch the construction workers do doughnuts in the street outside my house
[edit:]i promised someone pictures..
but they are being gay so i will try again soon
((e-mail- faithless1426@hotmail.com))