Only 2 days behind

I know, I's Tuesday. I said I'd write Sunday, but it's been craziness. I'm at my honey's right now, he's cooking supper for me and his roommate. The concert Friday night was great. Gerd tried to get me intoxicated with yard margaritas ;) After the concert, we went to the old Astrodome where they had a band playing. We danced, it was so much fun. He's teaching me to do lifts and stuff. Saturday we went to the wedding, the bride was very nice, and she looked beautiful. We went out to dinner with his brother, who's a sweet kid, and 2 of Gerd's best friends, who just happen to be married. Then we went to the bar where Gerd used to work, to go dancing. So much fun. Leslie, another of Gerd's old friends, went too.She's so sweet. Anyway, it was a terrific night. Sunday we met up with my best friend and her boyfriend for dinner. They got along so well, we're even planning a weekend in Galveston together. Well, I need to go pay attention to my honey, write more later!
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Ah, man, I haven't been to the Astrodome in forfreakinever. I'm glad you had a good weekend, though.

But you have to put up pictures of the man! I have to know what this gentleman looks like.

*Ash [MILF]