See my feet?

I haven't written in awhile because there hasn't been much to tell. Well, there haven't been many good things to tell, and I've already complained on here enough. I went shopping with my mom and brother yesterday. It's one of the last times it'll be just the 3 of us. Everything will change when he leaves for school. We went to eat at the Texas Roadhouse. Mom got "roadkill" and giggled when she ordered it, it was so cute. We went to the mall, Wal-mart, Target, it was a nice day. Momma bought me two new pairs of flip-flops: It's kinda hard to see, the first pair is pink and the second pair is blue. The blue ones have little white rectangular beads with little blue round beads around them. My big bargain find, $2.50 a pair. Yay for sales. Okay, I can't help it, I have to complain again for a moment: I was okay with Gerd leaving for work. When he worked on the rig, he'd be gone for 2 weeks at a time, but we'd talk online every day, and on the phone most days, so it was okay. I still missed him, but talking to him made it a little better. This time, there's no telling how long he'll be gone, and he won't have internet access, so we won't get to talk. It could be good for us, maybe make us realize what we are to one another. Or I could be miserable and go crazy missing him. I'm not worried about daytime, I'm so busy with work and family stuff that I don't have time to think about much else. But we talk every evening. He'll be in a whole new, potentially dangerous, far away place--and I won't have any way of knowing what's going on with him. I'm gonna miss him.
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Cute flip flops....

As far as you and Gerd go....maybe this will be a good separation for you guys. And while you won't be able to talk online, email or even phone you guys can go old-fashioned and revert to good old snail mail.
There's nothing like getting a real (as in tangible) love letter in the mail....

Take Care,

nice feet, when do we get to see the rest of you!? Post a pic for us!

I honestly think this seperation will be good for you 2. Maybe u guys just need a break. You're right, maybe u will both realize how much u want to be together again... but moreso, I think it would be good for the two of u to be apart. For even longer. Because I think until u experience what else is out there, how else can u know that what u & he have is what you really want.
Thanks for the links. You are a beautiful girl, Dawn.
I LOVE Texas Roadhouse! Your man being gone is gonna be so hard sweetie! Im sorry!