So Rita didn't come anywhere near us, everything's okay.
My friend Jonathan called yesterday. The voicemail he left scared me. He said he just needed to talk, and he wanted me to know how much I mean to him, that he loves me like a sister. I called him right away to make sure he was okay...He told me a couple weeks ago that his mom and stepdad were getting a divorce. He was upset about it, they've been together since he was little, he's very close to his stepdad. Here's how the beginning of the conversation went:
D: "Are you okay? What's up?"
J: "Remember how I told you my Mom and Stepdad are getting a divorce?"
D: "Yeah"
J: "He shot himself Thursday night"
Right now, he's all business. He went to see the lawyer today, apparently Mr. V had been planning this: he had a will drawn up very recently. So Jonathan went to find out about that today. I'll go to the funeral tomorrow just so he knows I'm there for him. I didn't know Mr. V, I'd only talked to him on the phone a couple times, but Jonathan needs to know someone's there for him. He said yesterday that nobody's come to see him, none of his "friends" have been there now that he's in need. I'm probably going to help clean his house this weekend...I want to help him, this is the only way I know how...