itchin'! *edit

My feet are itchy. Yesterday was WaterDay (where my kids play in the sprinkler and a little plastic pool) and we were attacked. Ants everywhere! My feet are covered in little red bumps now, and my kiddos got eaten alive. One little boy couldn't even wear shoes today because of all the welts. It broke my heart, they were all crying and saying "owie". I had to tell the parents what happened, and I explained that as soon as the grass gets mowed (it hasn't been mowed in 2 weeks, that's the director's job) the ants shouldn't be so bad. That really irks me. We had to move the pool and everything two different times, and found new ant piles. So we took our kids in early, and I asked the director to come look at their bites. She said that we should have moved the kids. I explained that we did--TWICE--and they still got attacked. So she wrote the parents a note. This could have been avoided. If the grass would have gotten cut before it grew to be like 8 inches long we would have been able to see the ant piles before our children got eaten alive. Another thing that bugs me---the director and pre-k teacher took the 5 and older group to the movies from 9 to noon. At 10, a woman showed up that had an appointment with the director to enroll her child. So I had to call the director at the movies and remind her she set up this appointment she KNEW she wouldn't be there for! Thankfully the woman was very nice and it went smoothly. I knew where all the paperwork was, told the lady what she needed to know, and apologized for the mix-up with the appointment. Jeez, Kelley does NOT pay me enough. I don't just teach toddlers, I baby-sit her and clean up her messes. I'm excited. Friday is my friend B.J.'s 25th birthday. She's close friends with some of the members of a local band, Rhythm of the Road, and they're playin just right down the raod that night. So a bunch of us are getting together at their gig to celebrate. My little brother's going with some of his friends, and Gerd might even come down! I can't wait to show off dancin with him in front of everyone! It's nice to have something to look forward to. **Added this evening, when I remembered I wanted to write about this: I'm starting to feel better about things. Myself mainly. I was rifling through the bargain DVD bin at Wal-mart this weekend, and stumbled across a 2-disc Pilates set for $5.50. There's 4 25-minute workouts on each disc, I did the 1st one on the second disk today. I figure if I go through all of them, then start at the top again, I won't get bored and give up. I've lost 2 pounds in 5 days, I'm proud of me. You're supposed to lose a pound to a-pound-and-a-half a week if you do it safely and want to keep it off, so I'm on the right track. I'm not worried about losing weight, I just want to get back in shape, feel comfortable in my own skin again. I feel alot better, I can even feel my flexibility coming back. I'm going to stick with this series, it's really easy to follow and doesn't strain me too much. I did have a little trouble yesterday, I had to stop for a few minutes because my hip was killing me (I dislocated my hip when I was in Drill Team in higschool, and since then it's given me problems), but that will get better with time. Anyway, things are looking up for me. I've gotten into my nice little routine of working out, eating better, reading more, and going to bed earlier. I've learned that I have to rely on myself alot more than I have in the past, and I've got to be satisfied with myself (healthy and mentally strong) in order for it to work. Thank you for all of your comments and advice in regards to my little emotional outburst the other day. You're all so great. You're right, people are inherently good, there are just so many that have been corrupted by the world and have lost sight of what's right. Thank you all for attempting to restore my faith, to help me see that not everyone's as bad as I've made been led to believe.
Read 4 comments
Glad to hear that things are turning for you babe, keep it up!! But be warned - it is sometimes a neverending struggle, and your will and faith in yourself and in humanity WILL be tested. Just remember what got you that far, and let it carry you on to your end goals. Take care.

The Rat
If you can find me another copy of that DVD pilates and send it to me, I'd give you ten bucks. I want to start pilates.
PS: I can totally relate to your work woes. I used to work at a summer camp a few years back and I was the head site counselor. My boss would always leave me high and dry with everything (lack of supplies, locked out of the building, telling parents lies, etc) and then I always had to clean up her messes... in front of seething mad parents and bratty kids.

So, I feel ya. Take care.
It's funny how often the "little people" (meaning staff members not in charge) troubleshoot and clean up messes.

I am glad to hear you are feeling better. You sound motivated and much happier than the other day. We all have those days (and in my case weeks!) where things just seem to be at a dead end. So I am happy to hear that things are turning around.

P.S. Benadryl gel is great for bug bites!