Music is my friend : )

Listening to: AFI
Feeling: drowsy
Well, this weekend was fun. Stayed at a hotel, sat in a hot tub (which felt amazing), shopped, went to hottopic, got a cool stud belt and some cool pins for my jacket. Glad to be home though. I want the dropkick murphies cd really bad. and i feel like watching a movie. does anyone have any good movies that they love? i need some good ones... maybe i'll watch invader zim...that sounds great. i love that show! well, there's not really anything to write today. have a nice day and have a enjoy your lunch!
Read 15 comments
Hmmmmm good movies...PIrates og the Caribbean and Lord of the Rings are always good alternatives...
it's alright doll, im not really explaining myself so i understand you can't really help. i love yer comments & yer journal. :] take care.
i have 2 dropkick murphys cds, sing loud sing proud and blackout. their newest, blackout, isnt actually all that amazing, but sing loud, sing proud is godly. so check that out, and then just download dirty glass off of blackout. its the best one.

good movies: donnie darko, dangerous lives of altar boys, bowling for columbine, zoolander, royal tenenbaums, addams family, nightmare before christmas...the list goes on and on. that is not some random picture...Lol.
yeah thats me :)
no prob with the dkm info. and i dont have msn, but i do have some form of instant messenger, though im not sure what it is, haha. but my sn is wowitsansn

oh, and i noticed one of your previous entries is titled meedly etc....nice strong bad reference.

that sounds good u should watch ummmmmmmmmmm stuck on you, that a funny movie
i go to alot of shows but i like like emo/ metalcore shows the best
*GASPS* you should have seen my face when i saw that you listen to AFI. I've only just been following them since Sing The Sorrow but me still luvs them =D
haha well its some form of aol. its not aim, but it is aol. its like aol/compuserve or something. i dont know, haha. me=idiot.
lol! Yeah one time, the same guy, was hitting on a chick, and he had a box of pizza *those cheap small sized ones* and then he drops it, he's all struggleing to keep it in his hand, the chick's just sitting there watching like "what a loser" then it falls and the pizza flops out of the box lmao!, he knew it was too late so he just ignored it and smiled at the chick and she just left lol!
i like ur header quote. i love slc punk. awesome movie.
its so awesome.
Yes poor least I realized it before someone pointed it out.