Lets go smash things and take our pissy offness on stupid objects everyone else cares about instead of us!
what?! Why did they say you could and then change their mind?! Parents are stupid!
Yeah, i see your point. I really liked how it called those girls out though, and showed them in a negitive light.
sunbum. sorry bout the peircing
UGH! that sux. mine wont let me get any either. parents can just go and jump off a cliff while we watch and munch on popcorn, ya kno?
dude...that sucks.....I would be pissed!
agh. well that sucks.

but hey, we can always just draw one in, and then our pictures will be all "hey, amy has a nose stud" and we will be all "ohhhhh cool."

haha. im so lame.