Listening to: offsping and sublime
Feeling: old
damnit, i just lost an entry. it pisses me off when i do that.
Anyways, my net hasn't been working and it has sucked. also, i'm sorry about the last entry. it's kinda..wierd. what can i say...i was hyper.
I spilled roman noodle all over my key board. it sucked.
nat gave me this comment the other day. it was awesome. She said that i accept other people's differences and i respect them about it. That's a really good compliment in my mind. And it know that it's a given becuase i've grown up being different then everyone else. I don't mean looks wise, more like beleifs. It's just that no one ever really notices those things about me, and if they do, they dont' really tell me. I just thought it was awesome that someone can recognize taht about me.'s b-day was yesterday and our patio roof caved from all the snow. not really caved, but it's about 4 inches away from the house and could cave anytime. and we just built it 2 years ago becuse it was falling apart. So, we spend the summer fixing it, then it collapses. hopefully insurance will cover it and we can pay someone to do it. that would be great.
i got ot watch the oc. yay, it was good.
well, this entry is long enough, i understand if you don't want to read it all...
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