thanks. its even funnier when your stoned with them. stoned cats act just like stoned humans. its funny shit.


comments... i never get them either. oh well. we must be comment buddies. so thanks about my diary its kinda lame but i guess cool.. ha. well alright... ill talk to you later.


ps i love queen!!!
wow i like never get comments either but u know what i also wonder what the future will bring...and i used to have a job then school started and my hours went down sooo much that i ended up quiting because it got the the point i worked like 2 days a week for like 3 hrs, It was lame...but anyways i like ur diary cute font :D
It went awesome!!! We could have used you for drums or something, maybe even mandolin or something... anyways did you go to bear lake? I will talk to ya later
I never get comments either....dont' feel bad!!!!
yeah boyfriends can be poopy shitty faced loser but then they ca be the sweetest guys in the world you just have to pay more attention to the sweetness and thanks for the comment..
yo whaddup.

haha. my comments are pathetic.