music is my only friend

Hmm...i'm lonely. Everyone is at girl's choice tonight and since I didn't ask anyone then i'm obviously not going. So, I'm stuck and home being bored. But I guess I shouldn't be complaining becuase if I really wanted to do something, I could get off my butt and do it. What I want to do is see jeremy, but what can you expect when you live a ways away from eachother?
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i'm sorry you can't go out with your friends tonight... i'm in the same boat, except i'm sick so i have no choice. mp3s are all that keep me company tonight. ///skipper
I hate being distanced from cool boys. stupid distance.

It's alright, all of the girls choice dances I've been to were pretty crap. Bad music, awkward dates, stupid's all the same. it's all crap. :) so don't feel too bad--you just saved 10+ bucks.

yay im pretty and clever. rah. thanks. You're prettier and!!! yeah! go you!

anyway. have a day,
ha yes they are a good band.
cool diary.
you could have taken the one known as matthew veeder. and he's never been on a date?? or something...*sigh* i haven't talked to you in foreverness. since like...last swim seasonish. but yes...i hope you are well and making sure matt doesn't die or something.

have a great day.

this is katherine if you haven't figured that out.

I wish you would have should have seen David..he looked sick! was really funny and surprisingly Max was a sweetheart to me....we even cuddled together on the floor while we watched "Italian Job" at lindsey's house after the was awesome..I wish YOU were on like...dumb...butt!
Yeah, go logic! and loneliness!

Yeah, i get what you're saying about being able to sit with someone in silence and not feel awkward. It's good stuff. :D