
Listening to: nerf herder
Feeling: nice
I want greg to call. Every day he doesn't, i feel like a loser or something. I don't know why. I shouldn't, but i can't help it. I'll call him tomorrow. I need an opinion...is 19 too old for a 16 year old? A lot of people think so and i kind of think so myself. It's about 3 1/2 years in all. I'm just curious what others think...
Read 12 comments
thanks for your comment.modest mouse is awesome.you wont be alone forever...theres the perfect guy out there waiting(for both of us) and ithink 19 is alittle too old for 16, esp if hes graduated already. wow i feel like amom
poor poopy!
too bad you arent 16 though, cuz ya know... 15 is even younger
yea i think you are too old. but see...if you were a guy and u went out with a 16 yr old, it wouldnt be so bad. so go for it. fuck what other ppl think. if u like him its all that matters. and your quote/header is kickass.
no definelty not too old. if you like him, then go for it! :D

if you can't tell. ahha

love me
amy! it says that only your friends can read your fetish diary! and it says i'm not your friend!! wahhhhh!! :'(
thankx fer the comment!...bad dayz suk my wang lol...i Also hate it wen ppl dont call me wen i want them to!!!grr
i gess 19's not too old..if u really luv the person..
I think its ok....just don't get too crazy...lol...j/k....but thanks for your comments amy...they mean a lot to me....your hott!
well yeah 19 is a little too old but hey if you like them go ahead oh thanks fot the comment yeah we live out our wishes so i will wish on to my heats content no matter what
I dont think its a big difference, especially when you know the person well.
They say love knows no age...
But who says its love? And who gives a poo? If you think it's worth it, then it's worth it.

You are hott!
Hey that is nothing in age diffrance!! i know some people that are married and they are 18 years apart! that means when he was a senior than she was being born... and by the way your not 16 yet!! soon though ya for you