Listening to: My \"I\'m in a sad mood\" mix
Feeling: eh
Well, tomorrow is valentines day. I got roses from koskan today. four of them! dahhh!!! i dont' want him to like me. And i'm trying to be nice, but hint it at the same time. I don't think it's working.
Other than that, i got nothing. It sucks. but ig uess it's normal. There are a lot i know that got stuff, but at the same time, there's more that didn't.
barrett is having a party tonight. i don't want to go. at all. but hol and niki want me to. yeah, i don't want to. so ya know. and i wouldjust not go, but we were planning on sleeping over at niki's and go sled down hills with garbage sacks at 1 in the morning. so, i want to do that, but don't think i can get a ride at 11 at night. man, how i wish i could drive....
my rat is dieing. and as much i don't like that rat (Even though i love animals), i feel horrible about it. it's so sad. i don't know if it's just becuase it's old, or what the old thing is a big possisbility, but it's eye looks hurt. maybe it was climbing on the cage and fell or something. but it has a hard time breathing and i can hear it. it makes me feel really really bad. i rememeber my guinea pig dieing when i was real young. i loved that animal and was devastated when it died. i don't want to get any more animals unless they live a long time. i can't deal with the death.
sorry, this entry is a long one...
maybe you will like it tho?
yea, something like that.
Deathcab for cutie
The postal service
Bright eyes
Desaparecidos (conners other band)
Pedro the Lion
Cursive (if you dont already listen to them i would suggest 'the ugly organ' cd)
and i have to go somewhere so ill add more later, and i saw a shot glass that said 'beer, helping ugly people have sex since ......' lol cracked me up (i just saw it as an entry title)