
Listening to: Ben Folds Five-brick
have you ever had a dream where the feeling overtakes your body? I love those dreams. I had one last night. There's a guy i havent seen for 2 years, but saw him in my dream. When we saw eachother, we couldn't move. We could only look into eachother's eyes. He was gorgeous. I don't know what it was, but it gave me this amazing feeling...it was like everything had stopped and nothing around us matter. That's what i want...
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I love those dreams... Like those dreams where you kiss the person that you want the most, and it just freezes that way... does that make sense... Anyways its the feeling of perfectness... I really love that feeling, like nothing can go wrong... I dunno... anyways I will shut up now.
who is this person?? do i know them??? lol...hmmmmm
Its going to be a pink star with black writting that says Erin in persian, which is similar to arabic. I'm getting it Monday!
black and pink is going to be my colors for my tattoo because they're my favorite colors ... i like hot pink with black but pink will work ... either way
Lovely. Your dream, I mean. Yeah, Becca writes pretty well, and so do you. I'm not nearly as talented as you two, but yeah, I hate to work. For you guys, it comes naturally. And now, I feel as if you're my teacher and I'm sucking up for a good grade. Anyways, thx for the comment!
Thanks. I'll try HARD to cheer up. It's kind of hard, but I mean, there's no point in being
(continued comm..) There's no point in bein all happy when it kinda goes away sooner or later and you're in another fog. Anyways, I'm adding you as a friend b/c..well, I wanna. LOL.
By the way, if you look on some of my entries...none of them make ANY sense..but I still write. It's just by habit! Some of my COMMENTS don't make sense!lol. But hey, I feel special when I get comments 2! That's why I run around leaving other ppl comments! lol.
o.o Fweee? Yea So ..uh. Ever see the movie big fish? Well that could explain why everything stopped. Becaue I'm really too lazy to write it xD. Did i tell you added you as a friend? o.O cause I did...
i know someone like that. its quite sad, actually, the whole story. my story, i mean. but thank you, and i like the way you write as well. would you mind if i added you to my friends list?

i love those dreams....except mine are more of fear and pain......kinda creepy....I love poo
nofx is weak homie, 50-cents is the illest shiet in this joint. haha

ya nofx is pretty good, i dont really listen to them a lot or anything though
I like those dreams where you feel like you are falling off a cliff and stuff..I think they are fun!!....anyways.....I'm wierd.