Listening to: NOFX
Feeling: calm
I decided that nofx is one of my fav bands.
and i also decided that i don't like travis as more than a friend. i don't nkow what it is about him. There's nothing wrong with him, i'm just not attracted to him i guess. We cuddled a little the other, but i just couldn't get comfortable. I don't know what it was, it was wierd. But i do know that i like greg. mmm...he's funny.
Holly and i had nothing to do tonight so we were just sitting in my room listening to the used and decided taht we wanted to know what they were actually saying. We got on the net, got all the lyrcis and just sat there and sang to it. It was so fun. I didn't think i could love the used anymore, but i do.
I love music. It's one of the best things in life.
-Chelsea xoxox