in schoool right now

Feeling: cold
we have to do this thing for class about something that effects teens around the world. we're in the lab researching and i'm really bored and i have no idea what to research. i was thinking something like racism, sexism, child abuse, or someting like that. not sure though it's freezing!!! dahhhh!!!! so...i'm gonna make up a poem becuase..well..i'm bored. here we go: there is this guy named bob his poo looks like corn on the cob. he is a very sick man and likes to drink spam. he also has a sister named rob. that was horrible. here's another one: the tips of my hair are blue when i make out, i go "woo hoo" i wonder what's for lunch you step on chips and they go CRUNCH and cows like to say...moo. that was random. k..i'm done. i better research now... leave some comments. i like getting them! :)
Read 8 comments
haha! Disturbing, I can do that :B lol
[Anonymous] a report on trucker hats and how they're affecting every teen around the world's fashion sense, yeah good idea.
or, the harsh side effects of using an eggbeater without the proper eye protection.
slack on!
haha your poetrys amazing, bravo, bravo, encore! haha.

was i right about the cd?
that was quiet interesting...yet creative...nice..u seem cool..hehe...sorry im relle bored..toodles

Yup, Scott took em off *the guy who made SitDiary* something about the bandwith slowing down or something, he says it's temporary, then SitDiary will be off for a couple a days for the new upgrade
the javascript on blinklvvr182's diary is from a book. "please dont kill the freshman". those werent her words.
its a good book. -savvyforjohhny
yeah cool coheed and cambria. what do you mean by its like a comic strip or something? i dont get it...:)
it wont let me 'sign' it grrr
i know i'm fourteen. it's a quote from my favorite book. And just because i am one, doesnt mean i want people to treat me that way all the time.
