show tonight....again

I got to hang out with holly all weekend. It was fun. Jake moved back. He's hilarious. I never really talked to him much until after he moved, but he's an awesome guy. I hope I get to talk to him more. shows aren't as fun as they used to be. Not becuase my lack of interest in the music(there is no lack), but it just isn't as great anymore when you've seen the bands 5 times already. But I guess that just makes them better because of the anticipation for the good shows. ...I hope that made sense.
Read 8 comments
I need to urinate heavily?
its because i don't come any more right? hehe jk
makes sense to me.

(your entry and your comment.)

Makes sense to me hahah!
I never got to go to shows, really. I went to two and one of them sucked because it was at the pool and if the bands were any good i couldn't tell because indoor pools aren't known for their great accoustics.

*sigh* i finally found those dreams.
And then i had to wake up. darned alarm clocks and plans that can't be broken.
cute journal
That did make sense. I wish I could go to more shows. But I never hear about them, or I'm always working! stupid job!
hey nice diary