beleive it or not

Listening to: AFI
Feeling: worn
wow, i had fun. Good sandwich, fun game of pool where he let me win and cheated for me half the time, then an amazing water fight in the park, while it was dark. I looked like shit after from my hair going everywhere, but man, it was worth it and he didn't seem to mind. I hope he calls me again sometime soon....really soon.... WARPED TOUR TOMORROW!!!!! this week just keeps getting better and better. :)
Read 9 comments
agreed. its the shits.
OK OK OK OK OK. gir does like muffins. in that picture though, it's a cupcake. i'm still awesome though. and don't let me catch you singing the doom song or it'll be your ass. BYE PIG!
and i really like the header info. very true.

dood i dunno who u r but i wanna be ur friend
thanks! yea..boys are dumb, but girls are dumber for puttin up with them if u think about it. but all is well :) have a good day
I'm glad that you had a so much fun, oh,,,,I'm so jealous. love you!
y0o huNn gimmEe a hollaHh xoxo
yeah i do have two dairies. hairball and celestial, but I hardly ever go on hairball nowadays.
i'm glad you had fun. It sounds fun. And I hope you have fun at warped tour....