seeking asylum from being the scape goat of your insanity

Feeling: unattractive
Argh.. I hate when you think you have come to the point where your over someone only to find out your not at all and would gladly take them back at any second even though you were treated so shitty by them. I think I have a tendancy to fall into destructive relationships.... "sick and tired of being bubble gum chewed up" Anyways, moving on. I think might do a creativity spell. I havent painted in so long ( not including the landscape painting I'm doing in art class) I have written some new stuff that I think is pretty good.Which is really cool because I went through a long period where all that came from these fingertips was shit... But I want to paint soo bad and nothing inspires me right now. Not anyone, not anything. Recent very fucking exciting news: -New strings on my guitar! ohhh yeahhh -I'm on Taylor's hit .. Well I could go on and on and on with this but I'll spare you... NATALIE FIGHT FRIDAY! fuck yeah thats gonna kick ass. toodaloo
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a creativity spel would be so cool, i dont think that inspiration wish worked all too well, but hey i tried.
jim likes spicy peanuts lol
hahah from when you said no? (the hit list)
for shizzle my home girl
hope you have lots and lots of fun! lots of luv =.) ciao!
hey, can you see my entries? for some odd reason I think they have all been deleted.....
Hey Lauren, its Kaelen--new diary.