everything is gonna burn

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: abnormal
we'll all take turns ~~ I'm so angry. I shouldnt be, but I am. I feel as if I could set everyone and everything on fire with just my hate for it. It's not them, its me. I know that. But it's killing me to be this angry. Everything and everyone is so annoying lately and its such a pain to try and make conversation. I must assure you,it's really not them, its me being way over sensitive these days. Things are strange. I cant even try to care about anything anymore. I see the things I need to do but I cant feel any sort of desire to acheive them.(depression?) no this is something else. Something of an ironic moribid bitter happiness I suppose. Bittersweet. Its a sick sad world in lulu brain But As always I'll get over it. So dont you worry and lets have a fiesta! ayi yi yiyiyii!!! Ta Ta my children. I mean loves. -lulu-
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ay yi yi yi!
2.ruff ruff ruff

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