Sweetie, the Moon has raped me.

Listening to: Cursive
Feeling: eek!
Well I'm done bitching. Yes, this summer sucks but it couldve been worse. Staying at my brothers house alot has made me less sane in some ways and more sane in other ways. Chris( my other brother) got his license and offered to pick me up anytime I just wanted to get out of the house. Thank fucking god. well not really but u know. I read the book "go ask alice" FINALLY. And it was really a great book and I love reading books about fucked up teenage girls. Not in a sick way but in a relating way...atleast I know I'm not that only one. Ive been singing again and getting my voice back even though I started smoking again (grrr-smoking) but I'm glad. I think if we dont start another band up again when Dot gets back I might work on some solo stuff..aww how cliche. ahah Anywho I think I am going to start taking piano lessons..just basics so I can buy a keyboard and make shit up on it and know a little bit of what the hell I am doing. anywho...thats the news.. until next time you son-of-a-bitches...
Read 7 comments
wow you are crazy. but no matter, i am too! omg how weird is that.
well sadly only three weeks until i come back. damn lol
the loreal lady in the loreal commercial is bowling. i'm an easily-persuaded tv viewer. if someone's eating a kitten on tv, i'll probably want to do that, too.
i love ur background. oooo u should take piano! its fun (i started last year):)
mmm good book.. born blue was good too... = )
thanks! yours is pretty cool too. and the letters around the cursor are cool, and so is the picture. i tried the cursor thing but i couldnt get it to not make my entries go away. ive read that book, go ask alice. a friend recommended it to me, and i agree with you, its really good.
hey thanks for the comment. i also like your backround. really pretty diary. yeah i could understand where your comeing from when you say it wouldnt get through your mom .. mine either but i want too try too make her understand my inner feelings. cursive is good. LaUra
oh i forgot too mention, yeah i like too read books up on girls that are depressed and not living so well. like you said. its interesting hearing about other peoples lifes and how they might have it worser and such.