yeah that gets me too that we even waited for her to come home and all that.. but in the end it just seemed as though everything was routine, nothing more and if it did keep going, it would have been suffocating for everyone.
well i've still been making stuff up and a couple things are kick ass i must say lol
Fuck you guys! you were at MY house every fucking weekend and you only waited for me ONCE!!AND WHY Be mad?? its not like I left saying "you're horrible I hate you blah blah BLAH" I wasnt even fucking mad...but I am now....

Thanks, heres this knife...I believe it belongs to you.

p.s.-I thought we were still going to be friends, I gave you my tarot cards, I went to a thrift store in gladwin and I found this blue velvet jacket (..)
(cont..) a jacket from the fifties in the trhift store in gladwin because the stuff theRE WAS SO COOL (SORRY MY KEYBOARD IS FUCKED SO IT RANDOMLY does caps lock) BUT i GUESS YOU DONT WANT IT NOW...WHATEV