God is in the T.V.

Listening to: Hopesfall
Feeling: eek!
I need that thing...that thing that makes people want to get to know you and want to talk to you.... whats that called.... being interesting? attractive? All I know is that everyone I meet, I can sense is so turned off by me. Maybe its because I'm ugly or maybe bc I give off this bad vibe or something or maybe it's because I'm stupid...I dunno..I'm not a doctor. Maybe its my lack of confidence.... Maybe its my lack of social skills... "maybe I'm just bored, I'm just damn bored, I'm just damn....bored." -joj I just wish I was special... "but I'm a creep, yeah I'm a weirdo what the hell am I doing here? I dont belong here." WOW what a great song. How many people can relate to that song? A lot. I think I like Jordan... but maybe as a friend and I'm trying to like him as more I dunno. What I do know is that I need a guy, and I hope all these things that keep telling me not to get involved are for reasons of me meeting someone and maybe, just maybe getting into a splendid relationship... I hope so. ~until next time~ [sorry I quoted so many songs in this entry]
Read 12 comments
But quoting so much songs is really not that bad. No, its not that bad at all. ^^ My madre is the same way I want piercings and tattoos but she always gives the usual lame excuse that it will be there for the rest of your life and there is no changing your mind like you do with everything else. -rolls eyes- If I had money I would have my dad sign that papers when I went to his house. But I do not even have my own money to get it done.
hey.. you know what?
I cant get in a relationship (not that I can anyways..) for the whole summer.
Sure, there might be some cute guys here, but i sure as hell can't small talk with them let alone hold a decent conversation. It's sooo fun. *note the huge hint of sarcasm*
ok enough griping already..
hey, thanks your background is pretty cool too.
you ARE pretty, and you ARE smart. maybe you're just getting bad vibes from people. Jordan can come up next weekend just not this weekend. but dont worry about the people thing because you are by far one of the most interesting people I have ever met and if someone cant see that then they've never met a cool person before.
I don't know... the things you'd expect everyone to have done, I haven't and the things you'd never think I would do.. I've done. SO I don't know... :) going to Taco bell was one of those things I had never done in my life until now. hehe. ttyl.

whaaat...Lauren you KNOW you matter.
cute diary

stop by somtime
Thank you for the comment! That was honestly one of the nicest comments anyone has ever posted.

I love your background. It reminds me of a butterfly. XD

Me too.

What do ya know?

Why, thank you.

I'm ugly too and I have no self confidence either ... I still love you though! I figure out a lot when I'm alone but its all of the time so no biggie ...
I didnt get a bad vibe off of ya, granted i haven't met you yet, but, still noo bad vibe here... your diary is really cool, and dont worry you'll find a guy, there are plenty out there that just got outta relationships, and are lookin, i would know.....anyways cool diary hope everything goes well!!