bruShed rEd

Listening to: U.O.
Feeling: changed
Moms off shooting her commercial. Which means more time at my brothers. Not sure if thats good or bad yet. Chris is an ass. My cat is insane. Penelope is back. yAy! The music is back! Painting again...w00t. Writing sucks these days bc nothing really makes sense anymore, therefore my writing is random and doesnt flow and/or make much sense. Ah well hopefully it'll come back. There's this girl. And I think I hate her. I think I want to kill her to tell the truth. Everytime I think of her it makes me sick. And I know thats "oh so horrible" but I hate her. What can I say? You'll never believe this.. me...listening to a christian band. You'd think my ears would bleed right? But I didnt even know they were all about the 777 until after I bought their cd, I just thought they were a good band which is all that really matters anyways right? But I'm still kinda tweeking a wee bit. I went to bed at 6 am and got up at 9:30 and I'm so tired I feel hungover. Ah well who needs sleep right? It only recharges you and gives you energy for the new day anyway. And who wants that? Well I'm pretend I have better things to do. :) uNTiL NeXt TiMe. oh yeah: ohps
1.You will marry him and produce five children,
although one will be mentally retarded. You
will be a house wife, and he wil own a music
store. Your love for eachother is immense and
nothing can bring you apart.

Which random guy will you marry? (.pics.)
brought to you by Quizilla damn.. I wouldnt mind marrying that. mmhmm
Read 7 comments
thanks... its pretty much about middle school, then comes this great big underground escape into the various sub cultures of rock, and by then your in highschool. and you become apathetic and unaware. and its like a fairytale. i guess. or at least thats how it works in cumberland, RI 02864.

btw, i like your journal.

no...i stoled it! bwhahahaha
no...i stoled it! bwhahahaha
no...i stoled it! bwhahahaha
woah you wouldnt believe it..
i got the same guy when i took the quiz!
that is strange shit man

Hey whats this about your mom shooting a commercial??
must hear the details
sry i didnt mean to sound like a valley girl, its just midland has driven me more insane and ive only been here for two days!

k then adios
no im lloyd
no im lloyd