Listening to: the noose- a perfect circle
Feeling: invincible
two more days until my birthday... eighteen... oooooy.
i feel excited because this is the first year in which i've been aware of maturity... i mean.. it's incredibly apparent that something's different... the world seems oooh sooooo different.
life is crazy, and i love it.
well, i wont be the only one going to city this year... a family member got kicked out of the uni. i thought i had it rough, i can't imagine how she feels.. i mean, i could come pretty close... still... she's had a taste... and to have it taken from her...aaay... i'm really sorry.
mm, well, i just came back from the movies... a few friends and i saw John Hancock... it was ok... eeeeh.. can't complain... before that we had gone to Don Pepe's.... mmm... super burrito... de lengua! que sabroso!! ooy, jajajaja hablando de eso... ha... well, a friend(a guy i was "talking to" a year ago but stopped speaking to me for a slut... and then i forgave him... and he still flirted with me... and i went along with it.. and then he started coming on to a close friend... and when she comfronted him about her feelings.. he blew her off like he did to me) came to the celebration... right, showing that he intended to party with us etc. well... after we ate, a really close friend, which had given him a ride to the taqueria, was looking foward to hangint out with us at the movies.. haaa... but since he was the other guy's ride.. he wasnt able to.. see, the other guy was planning on going to a concert after the food...leaving my close friend no choice other than to take him to the party and miss out on the movie... sooo, he got cussed out by meeeeee. i'm not sure where it came from... but oy. this isn't the first time, and quite frankly... i'm sick of it.. i declare this as the last time he pulls this stupid shit off. ooook :) well...
i've probably made very little sense...but oh well, at the moment i feel very indifferent.
it was a cool night... :)
life is crazy.
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