Weathered Chapter 7 part 3.

Feeling: alluring

'Damn it! Move Amy!'

He took a deep breath and waited for the bear to take another step closer. How he had ended up watching out for someone's safety was beyond his comprehension. The only reason he hadn't stepped in yet was to see if Amy could to do anything besides just freeze up, but apparently he was wrong. Her eyes worked the scene rather well and he waited. He sat crouched in the tree above her and watched.

Then the bear swung and struck her shoulder as she dodged the attack. True she had been the head cheerleader, but that didn't mean anything when it came to grizzlies. His eyes narrowed as he watched the bear approach her again. His hand wrapped around the sharp branch and he waited. When the bear stood up on her back legs he jumped in front of Amy.


The blow to her shoulder made it burn and she tried to keep her attention on the threat at hand. When the bear rose onto her back feet, she took a deep breath and then someone shielded her. She watched as her vision slowly blacked out and she heard the bear roar in pain. Her shoulder was beyond painful and she felt one leg give out. With all her weight on her left knee, she forced her vision to focus enough to see Terry standing in front of her.

She tried to see clearer, but it was of no use. She could see him watching her and she tried to get up. With her strength gone she only stumbled back onto her knee. Then she felt his arm slip around her waist and he pulled her up to her feet. She felt so stupid that she couldn't handle one injury herself and became dependent on him.


He watched her fight for some recovery and fail. His mind told him to just get her home, but he knew she couldn't until her shoulder had time to rest. Then he looked around the area until he remembered his hide-out. No one knew such a place existed and he sighed as he tried to figure out how to expose it to Amy. He couldn't just lead her to it or only disaster would come.

When he looked down at her, he found her looking around the place while one arm still supported her shoulder. He felt her legs give and he caught her before she collapsed into the wet dirt. She looked at him and then he watched her finally give out to the pain. When she was finally out, he moved his arm and picked her up. Now he didn't have to worry about taking her to his hide-out.


Crackling came from the fire and its heat warmed the small cabin. The walls were wood almost to their end and the floor had some signs of aging with cracks running through the cement floor. In front of the fireplace, a small carpet rested and on the material was a story about the woods. The warmth drifted its way over to the small bed in the corner and warmed her skin until she woke. Her eyes took a minute to focus, but when she did, she thought she had died.

When she sat up, she felt her shoulder retaliate slightly, but the pain was mostly gone. Then she looked around the cabin and took in everything. From the small home her friends would die to see to the peace the wooden walls held inward. Something brought her thinking to a hault and she looked to the far corner of the cabin. Terry stood there watching her as he rested against a finished cabin and holding a glass.

She sighed and asked, "Where am I now?"

He took a drink and said, "Just a resting point until you are ready to go on."

She swung her legs off the bed and made herself stand. Her balance was missing for a few seconds and then she regained it. When she looked out the small window she saw that the sun was almost gone and dark was setting in. She sighed and looked back at Terry. He stood looking at the sunset and she held her breath as she took in everything about him.

'God, don't tell me that it's true....'

Read 1 comments
well i have to say my life is stablely unstable if that means anything????
and some of those things it said are true im a stalwart in my beliefs
having fun typing???