Ωκεανό Tale Chapter 45

Listening to: Touch Me-Flo Rida
Feeling: tired
Gulls called from out the open windows and the sunlight brushed along her face. She took a deep breath and opened her ocean blue eyes. The waves called softly and she looked at the man lying next to her. She ran her fingers along his face and savored his soft skin. Quietly she slid out from his hold and climbed to her feet. Slipping her boots back on, she walked to the door and looked back at him. Her breath caught in her throat and she left the room. Pulling the doors shut behind her, she walked back to her room and shut the door behind her. She walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out the clothes she had shown up with. She carried them into the bathroom and took a quick bath. Looking at her clean reflection, she pulled her hair back and took a deep breath. Her eyes were hard and she felt the pain disappearing behind her inner wall. She left the bathroom and put the rest of her clothes back in the bags in the wardrobe. She walked over to the drawer and pulled out the envelope and a pad of paper. Silently she wrote a note and carried the items out of the room. Her steps were steady and silent as she returned to the master bedroom. Pushing the door open, she found the man still asleep and left the items on the desk by the door. Leaving the room, she retreated to the stairwell and walked downstairs. She could hear the children in the kitchen and made her way toward them. Pushing the door open, she found Oric entertaining them with a story and waited for him to finish. He handed them their breakfast and she approached the counter. Tanner let out a whine from the corner and she stopped to pet him. His brown eyes looked up at her and she begged him to not give her away. She could see the sorrow in his gaze but felt him nudge her hand. He understood clearly and she kissed the top of his head. "You're up early, Eve." She took a deep breath and looked back at the three. "I wanted to take the two into town." Their faces lit up and Oric stared at her. She flashed him a fake smirk and he kept his thoughts to himself. "Breakfast?" She shook her head and said "We need to get going." He nodded and said "Just make sure they enjoy themselves at the festival." The two hopped off the stools and she waited on Tanner. The dog looked up at her but didn't move. She sent him one last look and left the kitchen. Trevor and Kara stood waiting in the hall and she guided them outside. "Are we riding Carina?" She shook her head and said "I thought we could walk today." The two smiled and they headed toward the hill side. It took them half an hour to reach the top of the valley and Kara looked up at her. "Will we see a lot of people?" She nodded and took the girl's hand. Quietly she walked the two down to the gate. The soldiers greeted them and she guided them inside. Music surrounded them as they moved to the center of the town and the children began laughing. "Can we go look around?" She nodded and watched them disappear into the festival. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the fountain and took a seat. Families moved all around her and she felt her emotions slipping free. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and forced them back. A cool breeze caught her face and she opened her eyes. She looked up at a darkening sky and her pulse began to quicken. She searched the town for the children but couldn't see them. Making her way to the center of the festival, she found no sign of them and headed to the beach. Reaching the top of the beach, she scanned the shoreline and finally found them. They were skipping rocks and she walked toward them. "We better get inside." Kara looked up at her and Eve stopped. She saw the tears in the girl's eyes. "What is it?" Kara looked back at the ocean and said "The witch is coming." Trevor looked up at her and said "You can't go with her." They threw their arms around her and she dropped to her knees. She held them both and tried to understand how they knew. "I promised to keep you two safe." They pulled back and looked at her. She could see the tears in their eyes and took a deep breath. "Let me get you somewhere safe. I don't want you to watch whatever happens." Kara clung to her and she picked the girl up. Trevor took her hand and she guided them back to the pier. She found people watching the incoming storm and headed for the doctor's home. She knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and she met the man's gaze. "Is it time?" She silently nodded and he let them inside. She walked into the man's study and sat down on a couch. Kara clung to her still and Trevor sat next to her. "I have to go." Kara looked up at her and said "Please stay." Those words brought back memories from the previous night and she closed her eyes. "I have to go." She sat the child next to her brother and kissed her forehead. Trevor wrapped his arm around his sister and looked up at her. "Come back to us." She kissed his brow and said "I'll try." Silently she stood up and found the doctor and his wife watching. Tears were in their eyes but they kept quiet. She walked to the door and let herself out. The wind blew against her and she moved back to the pier. The incoming storm was growing in strength and she felt her blood growing cold. Pain radiated from her side and she pressed against it. People began moving to escape the incoming storm and she was pushed along the pier. A few local drunks stood watching the storm and she pushed her way to them. "You need to get inside." The men looked at her and shook her their heads. "We're use to the weather." "This isn't a regular storm." One guy shrugged while another stood up. Their third companion looked at her and stood up. "You that scared?" She held her tongue and he smirked. She saw the blackness fill his eyes and her pulse jumped. He pushed the other two men aside and approached her. She stepped back into the rail and he reached for her. Pulling herself up onto the rail, she dropped back into the water and let the ocean hide her.
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