Brykolakas Tragond 25..

Feeling: inpain
The engine roared as the bow of the boat broke through each wave. The sun shone brightly in the afternoon blue sky and he glanced to his side. He watched her study the approaching land and caught her glancing back at him. Slowly she came over to him and he slid his arm around her waist. "You sure about this?" She nodded and he slowed the engine as they began to climb out of the deeper water. When the boat rested in the shallow end, she left his side and walked over to the stern wall. Belenus stood waiting and she nodded. He jumped over the wall and she followed him into the cool water. The wolf ran up onto the beach and circled back to her as she waded ashore. He nuzzled her hand and she scratched his chin. Quietly Aedan joined them and she took a deep breath. This was hopefully going to be the last trip here. She slowly pulled her hand away from Belenus and he looked up at her. "Let's go see Dad." His ears went up and he trotted down the beach. Quietly they followed him and she felt the strong hand take hers. She didn't need to look at the man to know he was studying her. Since his time in jail and the years that had passed while they were apart he had become quiet an observer. She knew it allowed him to pick up on things and kept the silly questions to a minimum. Quietly they walked through the old woods and came to a stop by the lake. Belenus ran to the water edge and gave a single howl. She watched him search the opposite bank for his father and joined him. He leaned into her leg and she rubbed his ear. Slowly Breck came out of hiding and stared at them with his aged eyes. Belenus darted into the lake and swam across without a sound. She watched him race up to his father and come to a stop in front of him. The wolves studied each other and slowly Belenus nuzzled his father's neck. Breck looked back at her and she nodded. Quietly the two wolves disappeared into the woods and she let out a sigh. "Are we leaving him here?" She glanced back at Aedan and he joined her at the bank. His hand captured hers and she felt their finger lace together. Slowly she looked up at him and he met her gaze. "It's Breck's decision." "What?" "If he would like to come with us or stay here." "What's here for him?" Her throat tightened like it always did when she remembered the beautiful white she wolf and she looked at the distant forest. She could still remember running her fingers through that soft snow white coat when she would bring them food from the village. The pain she felt when that life was lost by her own father's hands would still plague her when she remembered the mother wolf. "His mate." Aedan looked down at her and understood. He kissed the top of her head and looked across the lake. He heard the guarded pain in her voice and knew she still missed the she wolf. Cori was her mother and he couldn't fight the connection she still had with the wolves. "They're coming." He checked the far side and saw the two male wolves quietly come back into sight. She released his hand and quietly walked along the bank to the far side. Breck met her with his silent stare and she quietly knelt in front of him. He twitched one ear and nudged her face. She wrapped her arms around his warm thick coat and breathed in the old scent. "It's so good to see you." He snorted and she looked into his eyes. She could see the tired light in those brown eyes and sighed. "I can fix this." He stared back at her and nudged her face. She scratched his ear and felt the quiet breathing on her neck. Slowly she looked back at Belenus and found him sitting patiently. "I suppose you're okay with him coming with us." His ears perked up and she rubbed his face. Quietly she looked back at Breck and he nudged her hand. She rose to her feet and followed him into the woods. He walked an old path to a grown oak tree and looked back at her. She knelt down by the base of the tree and placed her hand on the cool damp dirt. Her throat tightened and she looked up at Breck. He dug at the dirt and she stopped him. "I know she's here. I can feel her." He sat down beside her and she closed her eyes. Her hand dug into the dirt and she forced her pain aside for another time. Quietly she looked at the wolf and he sniffed the ground. "Breck, will you come with us?" He lifted his brown eyes and stared at her. Slowly he nodded and she rubbed her hand along his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into the caress. "I promise you I will keep all of you safe." He stared back at her and licked her hand. Quietly she rose to her feet and they headed back to the lake. Belenus rose to his feet and followed them along the bank. As she approached the other side she met Aedan's blue gaze and quietly approached him. He could read the old pain in her distant gaze and took her hand as she came within reach. She let the strength in his hold help keep her afloat as they walked back to the boat. Breck walked silently next to his cub and Belenus guided the family along. He stopped on the beach and Aedan waded out to the boat. The man pulled himself into the boat and Aine helped each wolf aboard. Silently she let the man help her up and found the wolves disappearing into the cabin. "Like father like son." She smirked and heard "Better?" Quietly she looked into his blue eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her head rested on his shoulder and she listened to his steady pulse. "Thank you." He slid his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes and felt his arms circle around her. His embrace eased the pain in her heart and she looked up at him. Her lips slowly grazed his and the gentle kiss faded when they headed to the engine controls. "Do you want me to get us out of here?" She shook her head and said "I need this." He nodded and allowed her to start the engines. Quietly he took a seat at the bow and she began backing the boat into the deep waters. She steered the boat until the moon shone brightly above them. The engines slowly died and the boat began drifting on the evening waves. "Ready to head in?" She nodded and joined the quiet man at the cabin steps. He rested an arm on her waist and they climbed down into the warm cabin. She smirked at the sight greeting them. Belenus was resting on the floor and had his head rested on Breck's back. The other wolf was watching them with his head rested on his legs and she quietly knelt next to him. She rubbed his ear and he closed his eyes as she stood up. Aedan pulled the bedding down and sat down to remove his boots. She grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a tank top from the dresser and slid into them. Quietly she walked over to the bed and took a seat next to the man stretching out on the bed. She rested on her side facing the two wolves and his arm rested over her waist. Her hand met his and their fingers laced together as she let the waves rock her to sleep. "Aine." "Yeah?" Quietly she rolled onto her back and looked up into his dark blue stare. "Where do you want to go now?" She smirked and asked "Have you heard from Doran?" A small frown flashed on his dark face and she traced it with her free hand. "That look doesn't suit you." "Taking Breck around that man could be trouble." She smiled and said "Nothing will happen. Besides, I figure you need to check in on your business." His frown slowly gave way to a smirk and he captured her lips. She closed her eyes and felt him slowly pull away. "We don't have to stay there." She smiled and said "We'll decide when we get there." He kissed her again and she curled back onto her side. His arm rested on her waist once more and she looked back at her family. The father and son were reunited for now and she felt some of the tension slipping away. Breck had taken her to Cori's grave and she knew he didn't hold her responsible and never had. The family she had always wanted she finally had and she was never going to give it up.
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