For Sky-Chapter 1.

Listening to: Maybe-Allison Krauss
Feeling: overjoyed

With the rain making the windows utterly wet and blackening out the outside world, the fire gave the only light to the small room. It held a feeling of warmth that the fire held no part in. A small couch rested in the far corner of the room with a blanket bundled up on the far cushion. Next to the couch was a little warm rug that reached from the couch to the burning fireplace of stone. In front of the fireplace rested a pair of soaked winter boots and small droplets of water formed puddles around the bottom of the boots.

On the other side of the room stood the doorway that was covered by a suspended bed sheet. A pattern of roses ran down the sheet and the background was a rich shade of black to bring the flowers out. A hand pulled the sheet back and an elder woman walked into the room with something in her arms. She walked over to a woven basket near the couch and gently placed the bundle into the makeshift cradle. Then she pulled the loose blanket over the little one and tucked away any chance of the cold capturing the angel's body in the middle of the night.

A thin smile captured the woman's lips and she placed a kiss on the child's forehead. Then she tightened a loose section of the blanket around the child and straightened her back. With one last look at the little one, she turned and left the room. She found a young woman with rich brown hair resting in a chair with a heating pad on her injured arm. The woman saw her and looked away as the woman approached her.

She took a deep breath and asked, "Is Ty asleep?"

The elder woman sat next to her and said, "He is and I suggest you go join him. It will do your spirits good."

She shook her head and said, "Please Mother. Don't start with that crap again."

Her mother looked directly at her and said, "I'm telling you what you need to hear, Maria. Ty is your only memento of Chris."

The mention of her late-husband made her nerves scream and she said, "Fine. I'll go join him, but not to help my spirits."�

Slowly she pulled herself up to her feet and walked through the door. When she entered the warm sanctuary, she made her way over to the couch. Her eyes looked down into the basket next to her bed and a smile pulled on her lips. She ran a finger along the side of his face and kissed him gently. Then she sat on the couch and pulled the blanket around her as she rested on her side for some sleep.

When she heard movement next to her, she opened one eye and saw a black form moving around. The fire had been put out and made it extremely cold against her skin. She slowly pulled the blanket closer to her body and then she saw the form approaching the basket. Her eyes widened and she saw the form slowly pick up hers. Her breath caught and she lunged for the form in hopes of him letting her baby go.

When her nails dug into skin, she heard him holler in pain and she caught Ty just as he was dropped. With his against her chest, she quickly made her way to the doorway, but the form grabbed a wad of her hair. She cried in pain and the form jerked Ty from her embrace. Her hands reached for him, but the form threw her into the wall. The pain jarred her helpless and she crumbled to the floor as the curtain was pushed away.

The form turned closer to her and said, "Too bad you weren't what we wanted."

She pulled herself up halfway and said, "Give him back to me."

A hand lifted her chin up slightly and she heard, "Forget about the boy. You'll see him soon enough."

She jerked free of the rough glove and said, "Touch me again and you will die. Now, give me my son."

A chuckle reached her ear and she got to her feet. The form walked out of the room and she followed afterwards. When the outer door was opened, she quickened her pace in hopes to stop the person. She reached the door just as the hidden vehicle drove away. Her knees gave out just as she felt two hands land on her shoulders.

Slowly she looked up over her shoulder and found both of her parents watching her with utter sympathy. They helped her up and she sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace. A blanket was laid over her body and she watched as her mother made her a hot drink. Her father stirred up the burning logs and then he sat next to her on the couch. She felt his strong arm wrap around her shoulder and she rested her head on his shoulder.

Her mother walked in and handed her a hot drink. She held it on her lap as she tried to focus. She could hear words coming from her mother and yet she couldn't understand a single one of them. A hand on her legs made her look up at her father and she found hidden tears in his eyes as he held a supportive smile. Finally her mind crashed and she broke down on the strong shoulder her head rested on.


As his eyes remained closed, she listened to his little breaths and a smile pulled on her lips. It had been a month since she was brought to him and now she wasn't about to give him up again. She kissed his head and then she walked to the door. Quietly she exited to the outside world and took a quiet walk in the gardens. When she came upon her favorite place, she sat down on the side of a quietly flowing fountain and ran her fingers through the cool water.

Someone cleared their throat and she turned her eyes over her shoulder. He stood there again and she let her eyes run down his royal built. The clothes were of satin that was for sure and the shirt was a snowy white that blended in with his coal black slacks. His blonde hair covered part of his eyes and she watched it flow gently over his firmly shaped face. Then her eyes found his hazel eyes and she looked back at the water next to her.

His firm hand rested on her shoulder and she growled, "When are you going to remove me of my son again?"

He removed his hand and said, "I'm not."

She looked up at his words and asked, "Why not? You did it once. What's stopping you?"

A firm expression met her and he said, "I can't raise him. He's not mine. Besides, he is yours and I knew his father."

He saw her brown eyes flash fire and he said, "He made me promise to watch out for you the night before he was executed."

She raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why would he? You're who he's fought against ever since I've known him."

He shook his head and said, "He fought against my father, not me. I was just born when the rebellion started."

She sent him a look of disgust and said, "If you would excuse me, I need to go check on my son."

Then she got to her feet and he snatched her arm just before she could go back into the safety of the palace. She shot him a stern look and tried to tug her arm free. His grip proved to be too strong and she looked around for some kind of distraction. When she found what she needed, she turned around and found her face mere inches from his and his warm breath caressing her cheeks. One of his fingers ran down her cheek and she met his gaze.

Slowly she let her breaths regulate and managed to ask, "What do you think you're doing?"

His fingers slowly wrapped around her neck and said, "Fulfilling my promise to my good friend."

She stepped back and growled, "Looking out for me is one thing. This isn't what you promised you'd do."

He closed the space and said, "You can't deny the emptiness you hold inside you with your husband being dead. I can heal parts of it for you. A woman like you does not deserve to live a life alone with only a child to remind who they lost."

His breath returned to caressing her face and she tilted her head back slightly so she could look him in the eye. He ran a hand through her luscious brown hair and let her scent surround him. She felt her pulse race just from being close to his warm body and she felt his hand massage her neck. Her eyes lowered slightly as she let the relaxation slip through her entire body. The instant she felt her body against his, her eyes opened all the way and she looked at him.

He gently pressed her head onto his chest and she relaxed even more as the massage on her neck continue. When she let out a quiet sigh, she could feel his chuckle and she looked up at him. He held a firm expression even though she could see him actually laughing. Then his thumb brushed her lips and she felt her breath catch in her throat. She could feel her body tighten in anticipation and then she was relieved as his lips met hers.

He was rough but yet he was gently moving his lips over hers as her legs slowly gave out. She wrapped her hands around his neck and let her fingers slide through his soft hair just as her knees buckled. His arm wrapped around her waist and held her to him while a quiet laughter escaped him. Her cheeks burned as she felt his strong arm holding her up against him just because her legs couldn't handle anymore force. She looked away until he picked her up and then she held onto his neck as he sat down next to the fountain.

Then he ran kisses down her neck and her head tilted back as she savored the touching this man was giving to her. It had been ages since anyone had touched her like this and she had felt so empty for too long. His lips captured hers again and she fell into the depths of the passion he held out of reach for her. When her hands started to run through his hair, she came back from her dreams and pulled away. Her mind yelled self-disgust and when he reached out to capture her hand, she jerked back.

He got to his feet and said, "Maria, don't walk away."

She looked straight at him and said, "I can't believe what I'm doing kissing you. You are a royal and the kind my husband died fighting."

His mask slipped slightly and he said, "You have every right to think that. I on the other hand have no excuse for the need to kiss you. That's not right. It's want that drives me to find pleasure with your mouth."

Her eyes widened and she said, "Do not talk to me like I'm something that you can find pleasure in. I am a widow."

He slipped a few fingers around her left wrist and said, "I do not think of you that way. The day I saw you being escorted to my throne was the day I woke up. I intended to just ignore having someone to share my time with and just rule this nation. Now I want to spend every minute with you. You don't know what I'd give to make you believe me."

She felt his hand start a caress on her skin and she said, "I don't know and I don't care. I just want to take my son and go home."

She knew he could see her frustration and he asked, "Do you honestly want that? I can always grant it to you."

Her eyes slowly met his and she heard herself say, "I just don't want to know that I'd be betraying my husband's death. What you've done is what I've needed for so long, but I can't forget what Chris gave me. I am sorry, your grace."

He chuckled and said, "You cannot forget what that man gave you cause he gave it to me. He gave us the will to fight for what we want in life, and that's what I am doing."

She couldn't help but smile at his words and she let him pull her into his body again. The warmth that ran through her was unbelievable and she closed her eyes as his hand massaged up and down her spine. He kissed her head and one arm rested around her waist.

He rested his chin on her head and asked, "Are you going to stay, Maria?"

She thought for a minute and smiled while saying, "Of course. Someone has to fill Chris's place in my son's life."


With the chances of going outdoors ruined by the rain, he rested his head on his arms and let out a frustrated sigh. His eyes watched the rain travel down the stained glass and he let his head fall sideways onto his arm. A soft sound of laughter came from the other side of his door and he slowly lifted his head up. When the door handle turned, he sat up with his back straight and watched as the door swung open.

His mother walked into the room with the mighty ruler escorting her. They looked like they were two of the same this time and he got to his feet. Slowly he made his way over to his mother and she picked him up. His arms wrapped around her neck and he received a soft kiss on the cheek. When he looked at the king, he found him watching him with a normal look he received daily, a look of love.

His eyebrows came together and he asked, "What?"

Maria rubbed his head and said, "Jerrold wants us to permanently stay here as part of his family. What do you think, Ty?"

He sent a look to his mother and asked, "Are you happy, Mom?"

She placed him on his feet with her kneeling in front of him and said, "Of course I am. Being with you is all I need. However, Jerrold needs you to stay here so someone can carry on his legacy."

His eyes snaked to the royal and he asked, "Why do you need me? I'm not even your little brat?"

Jerrold looked at Maria and asked, "When did he find out about Chris?"

She sighed and said, "A few weeks ago. One of the guards was harassing him about not being of your type. Mentioned something about being a rebel's brat. When he asked me about it, I couldn't lie to his face about it."

The king nodded and asked Ty, "Which guard did this?"

The boy looked slightly on edge as he said, "Your personal guard."

Jerrold sighed and said, "That sounds like Toby. Now listen to me Ty. What he said to you is true. Your father was a rebel, but he fought against my father. Chris was a good man and my friend. Ty, I not only took you in hoping you'd continue my legacy, but also because I made a promise to your father that I'd take care of your mother and you."

The words made him roll his eyes and he asked, "Why? Why'd my old man make you promise to take care of us? We'd get by."

Maria smirked and said, "Apparently your father knew that Jerrold here would need us. It seems he was right too."

Ty watched her approach the king and he saw the arm holding her body against his. His eyes narrowed as he saw the man whisper something along her neck and then he saw her smile. It was a rare thing to see out of her, but whenever she smiled it felt like the sun was still shining. He let out a sigh in defeat and plopped down into his chair next to the window. His mom slowly looked at him and pulled away from the king before she knelt in front of him.

Her hand ran though his hair and she said, "Ty, it'd make me happy if we did stay here, but it is up to you."

Slowly he met her gaze and said, "We can stay I guess. He's not such a bad guy that I don't feel like I need to punch him all the time."�

Maria smirked and said, "Then, we are going to stay. Besides, you'll learn to like living here."

Ty sighed and said, "It's all I've known, and yet I still don't like it."

Jerrold, "Well, maybe a day out of here will help you settle in better."

He looked at the man and asked, "What?"

A smirk crossed both adults' faces and Maria said, "Just come eat some dinner and get to bed. You'll find out in the morning."

Then she walked over to the king and they left the room. As the door was being shut, he sighed and made his way over to his bed. With a loud groan, he threw himself backwards and collapsed onto the master bed. He covered his eyes in frustration and slowly let his mind quiet down.

'Why now? Why am I suppose to be the one everyone is turning to?'


The quiet music from the rain running down the stained window made her let out a content sigh. When the masculine scent she had come to love reached her, she rolled onto her side and fell into his deep gaze. He was so vulnerable lying there that she couldn't help but run her fingers along his face. His arm found its place around her waist and he rolled onto his back. She slowly shifted into his side and rested her head on his chest with his satin shirt caressing her cheek.

Slowly she looked at him and asked, "So, where are you taking Ty tomorrow?"

He ran a hand through her hair and said, "That is for only Ty to find out. You will have other events tomorrow."

She propped up on her elbow and asked, "Other events? Like what?"

His hand brushed her cheek and said, "Something like a trip back home to check in on your parents. Maybe they'd like to stay here with you."

A smirk crossed her face and she said, "I don't think so. They were completely in agreement with Chris on how to feel towards you and your type."

He chuckled and said, "I can remember. I've met them before and heard how they were discussing their strongly hostile feelings directly to me. It was a good thing they didn't know who I was."

She laughed softly and asked, "How did you keep yourself hidden from my parents?"

His eyes met hers and he said, "I was standing next to Chris at the time."

Her smirk became a genuine smile and her laughter filled the room. He kissed her cheek and when she tried to get free, he rolled her onto the bottom. She finally could breath again and her fingers ran along his jaw. When he rubbed his nose along hers, she laced her fingers around his neck and let her eyes get lost in his. Slowly she became conscious of how close they really were and she felt her cheeks start to burn.

She let her breathing start to regulate and mumbled, "We're so close."

His lips brushed hers and he said, "I know."

Then he let her up and she sat up to let her pulse stop racing. Her chest hurt to where she had to close her eyes and take deep breaths. When his arm snaked around her waist, she opened her eyes and looked back at him. He ran a hand down her jaw and followed it with a trail of kisses. Her eyes fell closed and she gave into his little attempts to calm her only to fall into his storm of passion.

When they needed air, she felt herself only crave for more and she wrapped her hands around his neck. He laid her on her back and ran the kisses down onto her jaw. The moment he found her lips again, he devoured her until they were about to die from the lack of oxygen. Slowly he killed the storm and let his eyes travel up to hers. She smirked as he rested his head on hers lightly and his breath warmed her skin.

Then he took a deep breath and said, "Maria, I want you to become my queen."

Her eyes remained fixed with his and she asked, "Why? There are so many women of your blood that you could claim."

He rubbed his nose with hers and said, "True, but none of them have the heart that you do. You are what every woman wishes to be."

She smirked and said, "Very tempting words. I might just have to consider what you're offering here."

His lips met hers and he whispered, "I'm offering just you this."

Again he gained a look at her smile and she said, "Okay. What do I have to do?"

He chuckled and said, "Only make our engagement public with me and attend several banquets so everyone can meet you."

She rolled her eyes and said, "Every aspect of this type of life that I hate just as much as Chris did."

He smirked and said, "You may hate it, but you are stepping into it."

She sighed and said, "I hope I get a nice gift for letting you win me over."

Again he chuckled and he kissed her with roughness that only made her wish for more. She kissed him back and her arms snaked around his neck with his hands slowly caressing her waist. When she looked into his eyes, he stopped his touch and she placed a kiss on his nose. He chuckled at her tease and then he recaptured her mouth.

Slowly he freed her and whispered, "I plan to make the announcement tomorrow at noon."

She smirked and whispered, "I guess I know where I'll be all morning. Another day with Melanie."

He smirked and said, "Some how I know you'll make it through. Besides, don't let her change everything about you. You always please my people just because of how beautiful you truly are."

Her hands shoved at his chest and she said, "Come on. I'm not like that."

He kissed her nose and said, "Maybe you should look in a mirror. You are radiant."

She smirked and kissed him before saying, "If I have to see you tomorrow, I need to be getting some sleep."

He chuckled and said, "As you wish, Maria."

One more kiss was placed on her lips and he got off her bed. When he reached the door, he turned and bowed before leaving the room. She smirked as the door closed and then she laid her head back down on her pillow. Her smirk grew into a smile and she closed her eyes. Then her door opened and she saw her little one walking over to her.

He fell onto the bed next to her and asked, "What were you two talking about all night long?"

She ran a hand through his hair and said, "Jerrold asked me to marry him."

His eyes flashed and he asked, "Did you say yes?"

A smirk appeared on her face and she said, "I did."

He sat up and asked, "Why?"

She rolled onto her back and said, "He makes me happy, Ty. I haven't been like this since your father was arrested for execution."

He sighed and said, "If it makes you happy."

Then he hopped off the bed and said, "I'll see you tomorrow, Mom."

She sighed and said, "Good night."


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