Where The Wind Blows Chapter 39

Feeling: tired

Bear laid in the doorway of the office watching her groom Daemon and let out a whine. She looked down at him and smirked. He watched her finish up with the stallion and put her gear away. She caught her lower back and took a deep breath. The barn was the only place she could think in peace at the moment and let her feelings get to her. She hadn't been able to sleep the night before and uneasiness was beginning to spread through her as the day progressed.

It was growing to be unbareable and she knew something wasn't right. She couldn't let it show around anyone, especially Will and Grace. They were already worried and upset that Reese had to leave and letting them know how she felt would just make the situation worse. She walked into the office and took a seat at the desk. Getting off her feet helped ease her back pain and she looked through the books.

It'd been a while since she had any hand in the business and she knew it was just because he was trying to prevent any strain on her but now she wished she didn't have to be looking at these numbers. She wished he'd just show up and take her back in his arms. She had pushed him to go when he didn't want to and now she had to deal with this painful separation. Bear's contact brought her out of her thoughts and she looked down at him. He had his head resting on her leg and she scratched his ear to help ease her mind.


"In here."

She watched her father appear and saw him let out a sigh of relief when he found her okay. He had taken a close eye on her since Reese had left and she knew he was worried about her.

"You okay?"

She nodded and said "Just needed some time to myself."

He watched her stand up and approach him. Bear kept next to her side and she closed the office for the night. They walked across the driveway and climbed the porch steps to the house. Mack let them inside and they headed through the warm place to the kitchen. She found Calli and Grace preparing the meal while Will and Teddy set the table.

"What's this?"

Calli looked up and said "We wanted to make use of ourselves while we stayed. You're going to enjoy a meal you didn't have to cook for once."

Smirking, she walked into the family room and took a seat on the couch. Mack joined her and Bear rested at her feet while she read her current book. Her father read the local paper but she knew he was just using that as an excuse to keep a closer eye on her. The food from the kitchen grew in strength of smell as the dinner grew closer to being finished and she closed her book.

"What's up?"

She looked up at her father and said "I haven't had to cook in the past few days."

He wrapped his arm around her and said "We're just trying to help out."

"I need to be able to do what I usually do."

"No, you need to rest. You're trying to not hide your own worry and it's going to cause problems for you and possibly the babies."

She stood up and sighed "I need to stay busy. I need routine."

"Joe, Reese wouldn't want you driving yourself to the ground."

She turned her brown eyes on him and said "Reese isn't here."

Mack heard the agony finally crack through and stood up. He took her in his arms and held her tightly. Her emotions were already strained because of the changes going on inside her but being separated from her husband was tormenting her. He kissed her brow and ran his hand up and down her spine, trying help ease some of the worry. There wasn't anything anyone could say or do to ease the pain she was going through, no one except for the man missing.

"Dinner's ready!"

He loosened his hold on her and looked down. She took a deep breath and ran her hand through her hair, composing herself. They left the room in mutual agreement that no one would know about this incident of weakness on her half and walked into the kitchen. They sat in the usual seats and left the one at the end of the table empty. Bear sat on her empty side by the chair and she let him rest his head on her lap as the family ate dinner.

Calli had used some of the leftover ham and potatoes to make a casserole and some hot vegetables. Joe watched everyone talk about the stuff they had done during the day and flashed a smile whenever someone checked on her. She kept a close eye on the two kids eating in quietness and finished her food to keep people from worrying when she had no appetite at all. After dinner, she moved outside and sat on the porch with Bear. He rested curled against her leg and his head on her lap with her fingers running through his coat.

The silent companionship was much needed and she leaned back against the post to the porch railing. Watching the evening sky, she studied the stars and felt Bear lift his head. The dog stood up with his ears cocked and she rose to her feet. They saw Brutus flying through the driveway and she heard Bear let out a bark before running to meet the dog. His barking brought everyone outside and she watched Will run up to the two dogs as Bear examined the young pup.

"I was wondering if you were going to make it home again."

Joe approached and asked "Where has he been?"

Will looked up slowly and said "I sent him to watch Dad's back."

She knelt down next to Brutus and ran her hand over his face. The ring glittered in the starlight and she felt her throat tighten as her hand unfastened it from the dog's color. Will saw her hold it in her palm and shook his head.


She took a deep breath and said "He gave it to Brutus. He's still alive."

He leaned into her and she wrapped her arms around him. Kissing the top of his head, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Flying hooves made her look down the driveway and she stood up when she saw the marshalls approaching. They looked ragged and missing nights of sleep. Greg slid to the ground and approached slowly.

"He sent us back."

"Was he alive when you left?"

Greg nodded and watched as her family joined them. Her father rested a hand on her shoulder as Will held an arm around her for support.

"Unfortunately we picked up a gang of Abigail's men on the way back."

Jeff frowned and barked "And you led them here."

He shook his head and said "We couldn't shake them."

She took a deep breath and nodded. The men looked worn to the bone and ready to drop. She knew they were here to protect them from harm and needed something to replenish them.

"Calli, take them inside and get them fed. We'll need them for any fight to come."

The woman looked back at her surprised but she sent her a reassuring look and the woman led the men inside. Grace went after them and she turned her attention to tired horses.

"These needed clean hay and fresh water. Will, I want you and Teddy to settle them in for the night."

Teddy took two of the four but Will remained by her side. She knelt in front of him and held his amber gaze. He was still reeling from the ring Brutus brought them but she needed his help to help her keep her head clear when she could easily break down in grief. Slowly he nodded and the horses were led into the barn for the night.

"What are we doing?"

She looked at her family and said "Preparing for any fight to come."

"How long do we have?"

Shaking her head, she took a deep breath and said "It depends on how fast the men rode. They could've bought us the night or just a couple of hours."

Mack sighed and asked "Where do you keep your weapons?"

"Locked in the office."

She led him past her brothers and into the barn. They watched the two slip inside and Cliff looked back at Jeff. The man was fuming and looked down the driveway.

"What is it?"

"We have to go get Reese."

Billy stared back at him and said "We're supposed to protect our sister first. He said so."

Jeff smirked and said "I've never listened to that punk in my life. I'm not about to start now."

They watched him walk into the barn and shook their heads. Cliff ran his hand along his neck and took ad eep breath. Things were going to get back but he was more worried about what was going on inside his sister's head. Brutus had brought them something from Reese and it had upset Will. He didn't want to think that it was Reese's memo to let him go.

Jeff returned with Trex saddled and said "I need Brutus."

The dog had disappeared into the barn with Will but he gave a single whistle and the young one reappeared. He trotted up to Jeff and sat down as the man knelt in front of him.

"Take me to Reese."

The dog's ears went up and he took off down the driveway. Jeff swung up into the saddle and gave pursuit. The two brothers watched him leave and Billy blew out a low breath.

"I'm not sure who'll be more pissed. Calli or Joe."


Billy nodded and said "Pregnant women. What a hassle."

The two chuckled as they saw their brother disappear from sight. Joe came outside as they crossed the drive to the house to look through their weapons and they saw her studying the fleeing hooves.


"Went after Reese."

She shook her head and took a deep breath. She wanted to kill the man for leaving but knew he was doing it for her and it made it all worse to process. Cliff wrapped an arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

"He'll find the man and bring him home alive."

She looked up at him and wanted to question but felt the pain overwhelm her. Her tongue was tied as tears threatened to overwhelm her and she closed her eyes. Billy took her off Cliff's hands and walked her over to the porch steps. He sat her down and knelt in front of her as her twin went back into the barn.

"You and I both know that husband of yours is too stupid and stubborn to die. He has two kids on the way and promised he'd be here for them."

Smirking, she nodded and said "Thanks."

He hugged her and said "I always had to deal with you differently."

Laughing, she stood up and walked into the house. Bear returned to her as she slipped through the door and they walked down the hall to the kitchen. She found Calli filling a glass for one of the marshalls and saw how exhausted the men really were. Grace stayed on the other side of the counter for her own sanity and Joe joined her. The girl caught her hand and she looked down at her.

"Dad'll be home. You'll see."

She nodded and whispered "Your uncle went after him."

Grace looked over at Calli and then back at her mother. Whatever was going on was too much for either to handle and she wasn't sure which would break first. Then she recalled Will's reaction to something and she looked back at her mother.

"What did Brutus bring us?"

Joe pulled out the wedding band and saw the girl's eyes glaze over in tears. She hugged Grace to her and watched Greg slowly settle his gaze on her. He was ashamed of leaving Reese behind but she knew he was sent on orders to come back, not on fear.


She left the kitchen quickly and walked outside. The door shut behind her and she found a riding group of twenty men sitting on horses at the end of her driveway. She felt her fist curl at her side and she pulled her gun free. Joining her brtothers in the driveway, she watched the men settle their mounts in their direction and spotted the marshalls coming outside. Her pulse jumped when the horses were sent their direction and they were forced to scatter to avoid being run over.

The men shot from their mounts but between all the good shots, they were thrown onto the ground from broken saddle straps. She knelt next to the barn wall and aimed at a man trying to go into the house. She shot his leg, driving him to his knees, and he looked back at her.

"You handle her!"

"Joe, behind you!"

She looked over her shoulder and saw the man coming in fast and saw him go down inches from her. Another man stood behind him and he tossed the dead man's weapon further away.

"That you knew better, Andrew."

His tone was very familiar and she stared up at him. Slowly she recognized the face and her hand tightened around her gun.


He caught the incoming punch and growled "I'm on your side. We're undercover."

She stared back at him and hissed "I'd never believe you."

"I wouldn't have killed my own man if I was with them."

He released her fist and she let her arm drop. He watched her look over the farm and see the other men move into sight.

"All marshalls?"

He nodded and she walked out into the driveway. Her brothers kept their guns raised as they approached and their eyes snapped to Mike as he approached.

"I'm here to help."

"I'll kill you if you try anything."

The man chuckled and said "I wouldn't expect anything less."

Greg made his way up to them and said "I thought you weren't going under cover."

He shrugged and said "Was the only assignment I could get away from desk duty."

Joe watched the other men slowly reveal their badges to confirm the truth and she relaxed her hold on her gun. Her body was aching from the fast moving and she swept her eyes around as her brothers studied all these men. She saw one guy get up from the ground by Cliff and raise a hidden knife. He staggered forward and she shooved her brother out of the way.


It cut through her shoulder and Billy caught her as Mike shot the man dead in the forehead. Billy looked up at Cliff and the man led the way into the house. Calli and Grace came out of the kitchen and Billy carried her upstairs quickly. Will pushed his way through all the adults in time to watch his uncle put her on her bed.


She took his hand and bit down on her jaw to keep from screaming. Cliff dug through the supplies in the bathroom until he found the kit and ran back to the bed.

She caught his hand and said "Get the doctor."

"You can't wait that long."

"I'll watch over her."

He looked over his shoulder at Will and saw Mack enter the room. The boy wasn't about to let his mother leave them and he knew his father could hold her together until the doctor could arrive. He looked back at his sister kissed her brow.

"Don't you dare give up."

She smiled and said "I can't."

He nodded and left the room. Will took a seat next to her and held her hand as Mack examined the wound. He had Calli prepare a patch and Billy had everyone else stay downstairs in the family room. Grace stayed with him, holding onto his arm, as they waited and Bear guarded the bedroom door at the top of the stairs. The pain radiating through her body was magnifying and she closed her eyes to keep her thoughts clear when every inch of her mind wanted to drift into the darkness and escape the pain.

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