Ωκεανό Tale Chapter 8

Feeling: inpain

Hearing the downstairs door open quietly, he left his window and walked over to his door. He heard someone climbing the stairs and stayed hidden in the shadows. He watched Leon and Oric move down the hall toward the West Wing. His eyes narrowed and he quietly shut the door behind him. The early morning sun was shining through the large windows and lighting the path behind the men. Silently he walked down the hall and saw the men stop outside a room that has been vacant for at least ten years.

Leon knocked once and the door was opened. A dim light covered the men and Abigail stepped into the hall. She nodded when Oric asked something and he slid further into the shadows. Leon left the two and headed back his way. He watched the old man disappear downstairs and looked back at the other two.

They had vanished into the room and the door was shut. Since sunset everyone has been trying to cover up something and it cost him sleep. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs and looked back. One of the maids came into view carrying a basket and walked up to the door. She knocked quietly and Abigail appeared again.

The maid pulled out a bundle of clothes and Abigail nodded. She thanked the woman and the maid walked back down the hall. He listened to her disappearing down the steps and found Abigail walking back into the room. Quickly he stepped out of the shadows and moved to the door. The door was left cracked open and he lingered just outside the light.

"She did an amazing job on those. You couldn't guess they were almost shredded."

Oric sighed and asked "Is Leon getting the doctor?"

"Yes. They should be here in about an hour."

"Do you honestly think Johnathan isn't going to figure out what is going on?"

His eyes narrowed and he heard Abigail say "You and I both know he probably already has caught on. But what would you have me do? Ignore this and let another person die?"

Oric stood up and said "I don't blame you for doing this. I just hope we are all ready for the fury we'll be receiving."

Abigail sighed and he pulled back from the door as it opened. Leaning against the wall, he watched Oric step into the hall and pull the door shut. The cook glanced over his shoulder and met his dark brown gaze. Sighing, the man straightened his shoulders and pushed the door open slowly. Silently he stepped in front of Oric and watched Abigail run a damp cloth over a woman's face.

His eyes narrowed and he silently stepped into the room. His shadow slowly fell over the woman's face and Abigail looked up. She stepped back when she saw him and held her tongue.

"Mind telling me what is going on?"

His tone was dangerously low and she took a deep breath.

"I found her last night on the beach."

"Why wasn't I informed?"

She closed her eyes and gathered her courage. She knew when he found out he would be furious but she also knew she was not in the wrong.

"I didn't want to burden you while you were handling matters with your cousins, especially if she didn't pull through the night."

He looked past the frightened woman and rested his eyes on the stranger. The sunlight hadn't reached the room yet but he could tell she was a blonde. No visible marks met his studying gaze but if she showed up on the beach that meant only one thing. His jaw tightened and he looked back at Oric. The cook was silently watching from the door and he turned to Abigail.

"Oric, bring up some hot food and juice."

The man remained in the doorway and Abigail's eyes widened.


"I won't throw her out just yet."

He heard the relieved sighs from both of them and looked back at the cook. The man silently disappeared down the hall and he looked back at Abigail.

"The doctor is on his way?"

She nodded and he said "After I hear his report we are going to have a conversation."

She swallowed the lump forming in her throat and he left the room. His temper was barely being held in check and he made his way down the wing to the stairs. Descending the steps, he walked through the quiet hall and stepped into the parlor. Closing the door behind him, he let out a sigh and walked over to the window. He could see the sun slowly rising above the ocean, turning it a shade of red as it climbed into the horizon.

Crossing his arms, he rested his hip against the wall and stared out the window. Slowly the anger drifted away with the waves and the sun rose higher into the sky. He heard a coach arriving and left the window. Opening the door, he stepped into the hall and saw the door open. Leon met his gaze as he escorted the doctor in and turned his eyes downward.

Silently he approached the doctor and the man offered a quick bow.

"I imagine you have discovered the patient."

"I have."

"Is she still alive?"

He nodded once and a small relieved smile passed over the man's face. Quietly he led the doctor up the steps and retraced his steps to the West Wing. Turning the corner, he found Grace patiently waiting outside the door and saw her go pale when she spotted him. He ignored her as he guided the man inside the room and took a place against the wall. Abigail rose from her chair at the fireplace and the doctor rested his medical kit on the bed.

"She looks better."

Abigail cast a look at the silent viewer and turned her attention back to the doctor. He checked for a fever and then counted the woman's pulse. Finding her skin warmer than the night before and a shade darker, he closed his kit and looked at Johnathan.

"She should be just fine. May take a few days to wake. I hope she will not be moved until then."

"She won't."

He nodded and Abigail escorted him out of the room. Grace entered the room slowly after they left and looked at her cousin. His brown eyes glanced at her and then back on the patient.

"You knew."

She nodded slowly and said "I wanted to tell you but the others thought it best it wait until morning."

A dead smirk crossed his face and he said "It doesn't matter."

"Can I get you anything?"

He bit back a sarcastic retort and said "See if you can track down Oric and the meal he is suppose to be bringing up."

She left the room without a word and the door closed behind her. He left the wall and walked to the side of the bed. Something about the woman was different and it left him uneasy. Sun rays slowly fell into the room and cast a glow in the woman's blonde hair. He found the locks long and wavy around her face, holding the sun captive in each strand.

Frowning, he left the bedside and walked over to the window. He looked out the window and found the place overlooking the old courtyard he use to spend evenings in as a boy. His jaw tightened at the memory and he looked away just as the door opened with a knock. Oric entered the room with the food he requested and he indicated the table near the bed.

The cook put the food down and said "I'm sorry for keeping this from you."

He looked back out the window and said "You did what you thought was right. I can't blame you for that."

"What about Abigail and Leon?"

"No one will be punished."

Oric sighed in relief and asked "And Grace?"

He looked back at the man and asked "What about her?"

"How will this affect the offer?"

His frown deepened and he said "I haven't accepted it yet."

"I know your cousin is pressing you to accept it but think of this as a second offer."

One dark eyebrow went up and he crossed his arms across his chest.


A sly smirk crossed the cook's face and he said "Maybe this woman has something better to offer once she wakes."

He turned his brown eyes out the window and said "We'll see."

The man shook his head and left the room. He let out a sigh and glanced back at the bed. Whoever this woman was, she was just making matters more difficult for him. He tore his gaze from her sun covered face and left the room. Closing the door behind him, he made his way to the first floor and walked out the main door.

The weight of his responsibilities were becoming more suffocating by the day and he made his way down an old path to the family stable. The stable boy was sitting outside working on sharpening a knife when he approached. The kid jumped to his feet and put the blade away.

"Going for a ride, my Lord?"

"Is Solomon up?"

The boy nodded with a smile and said "I fed and groomed him half an hour ago. He seems as anxious for a ride as you, my Lord."

He shot the boy a brief look and walked inside the stable. The stalls were all full of horses, from work horses to riding steeds. Solomon's stall was at the far end on the right and he quietly came to a stop in front of the chestnut stallion. His black mane rested groomed down his broad neck and he came to the door.

His nose rubbed against Johnathan's hand and he rubbed the soft skin. Solomon stared at him with his light brown eyes and he rubbed the stallion's face.

"Let me saddle him up for you, my Lord."

"I've got it."

The stable boy stood back as he took the tack and stepped into the stall. Quietly he placed the saddle over the stallion's strong back and fastened it. The stable boy handed him the bridle and he slid it up over Solomon's face. The stallion flicked an ear and he walked him out of the stall.

"Shall I inform Leon when you'll be returning."

"Only if he asks."

The boy smiled and they left the stable. Quietly he swung himself up into the saddle and Solomon twitched his tail.

"Enjoy your ride."

He nodded to the stable boy and dug his legs into the stallion's sides. Solomon took off in a slow trot down the path and he directed his ride to the hills that lead to the valley. The sun rose higher in the sky and the cool morning air brushed against his skin as he finally found a moment of tranquility for himself since his brief sailing trip.

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