Where The Wind Blows Chapter 36

Feeling: tired

Flying through the snow, Bear watched the pups chase after him and let out a bark. They gained ground on him and he let them fly past. They were yiping in excitement and he watched the coach stop by the porch steps. Skidding to a stop, he sat next to his blonde friend's leg and let her scratch his head. He licked her hand and she looked down at him as the coach doors opened.

Grace climbed out first and was jumped on by the puppies. She picked one up and stepped out of the way to let Will down. He waded through the pups and approached his mom. Hugging her, he looked up at her and she kissed his brow. The coach driver closed the door and unstrapped the luggage.

Will left his mother to help with the trunks and found his father moving them away from the coach. The two carried everything inside and Grace followed the puppies inside. Bear looked up at Joe and she chuckled. They watched the coach leave and walked into the warm house. She could hear the puppies upstairs and shook her head as she walked into the kitchen.

Cliff looked up from fixing dinner and smiled as she approached him. She came around the counter and he hugged her. He chuckled as she picked up a knife and worked on dicing the potatoes.

"Did they say anything?"

She shook her head and said "I think they are just glad to be home for break."

"Do they have any idea I'm here?"


He laughed and they finished preparing the potatoes. Cliff watched her finish dressing the meat and put it back in the oven as he whipped the potatoes. He slid his eyes over his sister and smirked. Bear let out a sigh and they found him waiting by the door for his dinner. Joe chuckled and carried a plate over to him.

He sniffed the food and looked up at her. Rubbing his head, she walked back over to the counter and they began putting the dishes on the table. As they finished setting the table, Reese entered the room and she left her brother. He slid his arm around her waist and she followed him into the hall.

"Are they settling in?"

"Yeah, almost like they never left."

She smiled and said "Don't sound so disappointed."

He shrugged and asked "How are you feeling?"

Her hand slowly rested on her slightly larger stomach and she nodded. He kissed her brow and looked down into her brown eyes. They had gained a new light to them and he was pleased to see her completely happy. Running footsteps came from above them and they waited until Will and Grace ran down into sight with the herd of puppies surrounding them. The puppies flew into the kitchen when they caught wiff of their dinner and the two kids slowly entered the kitchen.

"Uncle Cliff!"

Smirking, she looked up at Reese at the suprise in their son's voice and he walked with her back into the kitchen. The two were seated at the table and Cliff was pouring the last drink.

"What are you doing here?"

He put the pitcher on the table and said "I'm sticking around for a while to help out."

Will looked over at his parents and watched them sit down at the end of the table. Reese turned his amber eyes on him and he nodded with a smile. Grace took a drink from her glass and looked over at Joe.

"When is everyone coming?"

"They should be here at the end of the week."

Cliff took a bite of food and said "Eat up. I want to know if I passed."

Will raised an eyebrow and asked "You made this? By yourself?"

Joe smirked and said "I let him help me."

The boy smiled and took a bite. Grace did the same and they both nodded in approval. Reese watched them dig in and turned his gaze on Cliff. The man was studying the children and slowly caught his gaze. He saw the stern look in the amber eyes and knew what the man wanted.

He nodded slowly and caught his sister watching them. She took a drink and caught Reese's gaze. The meal passed in ease as Will caught them up on some stuff that happened at school with him and Teddy. Grace filled in any information he left out and after dinner, Joe used their help to put the dishes away. Will was drying while Grace put the dishes up and he looked over at his mom.

"How are you feeling?"

She finished the last plate and looked down at him. He was trying to be protective and grown up but she knew he was excited.

"I'm a little tired but good."

Grace put the plate away and said "Let's go sit down."

Will hung the towel up and said "I'm going to go join Dad and Uncle Cliff in the barn."

They watched him leave and walked into the family room. Grace sat down next to her on the couch and the puppies stumbled into the room.

"I think they are your shadow, Grace."

She nodded and picked up one of them. Its coat was white and red and it had hazel eyes looking up at her. She gave a bark and Grace laughed.

"I've missed them. I wish we could take them with us."

Joe ran her hand through the girl's hair and said "They've been excited all day. Bear must have let them known."

Laughing, the girl ruffled the puppy's fur and looked up at her. She could see the slight difference in her mother but she was happy for her. At first, she had been hesitant when she had heard they were going to have a younger sibling but then she realized that it was exactly what she wanted. Ever since she had been taken in by this family, she had always wanted a large family and another sibling sound just right.

"Uncle Cliff here to help Dad with the chores around here so you can take it easy?"

Joe sighed and said "Unfortunately. He said he just wanted to visit but after being here a month and settled into a spare room, I know otherwise. Plus they have evening talks out in the barn."

"Will thinks he should be in on it. He is really worried."

"I know. I just wish I could ensure him I'm not going anywhere."

Grace let the puppy down and said "I think he knows but he is trying to hide it and let his excitement show. The idea of a younger sibling to tease is comical to him."

She laughed and looked down at the child. Grace had taken everything in with ease and maturity. She had worried it would hurt the relationship they had and leave Grace feeling unwanted but the girl had proven she was more than open to a larger family. First she was given a father and now she was gaining a sibling.

"I'm glad you're okay with this."

The girl smiled and said "It's not like I couldn't be. I have one brother and another sibling gives me someone else to make friends with and gives me a little break from Will and Teddy's antics."

She laughed again and understood perfectly. Growing up with three brothers, having a best friend gave her a chance to not have to be one of the boys and to just be herself. Luckily Reese had always been understanding and when her male mentality kicked in, he gave her crap right back.

"Is that why you and Dad get along so well?"

She nodded and heard "I hope to find a friend like that someday."

Taking Grace in her arms, she kissed the girl's brow and said "You will. It happens at different points in everyone's life."

The door opened in the hall and they watched the three males of the family appear in the doorway. Will picked up a greeting black and white puppy he named Rosco and climbed into a chair. Rosco curled up in his lap as he scratched the puppy's head and looked up at his mom. Cliff excused himself for the night and Reese stood against the doorway watching them.

"Did you enjoy the time with the guys?"

Will nodded and said "Yeah, we've got plans for tomorrow."

Rolling her eyes, she smirked and said "Just don't go breaking any bones."

He smiled and said "I'll try."

Reese cleared his throat and said "Time for you two to head up for the night."

They both sighed and walked out of the room. They were followed by the pack of puppies upstairs and he turned his gaze back on Joe. She smiled and he helped her to her feet and wrapped her up in his arms.

"Grace taking everything okay?"

She nodded and said "I hope Will is."

"He's actually getting nervous. Wants a brother and terrified for another sister."

Laughing, she leaned her head against his shoulder and he kissed her brow. They closed up the house for the night and walked upstairs. The lights were on in both Grace and Will's rooms and she settled them in for the night. The puppies had split themselves between the two rooms and each bed had four balls of fur sleeping at the foot of it. Smirking, she left the doors opened and walked down to her bedroom.

She found Reese sitting on the bed and Bear waiting on his pillow by the window. The man was reading something and she slowly changed for the night. Leaving her hair down, she walked back to the bed and climbed under the covers. He wrapped an arm around her and continued reading what appeared to be a book.

"What's it about?"

"Something Cliff gave me from your father."

Her eyes turned up to him and he said "Your father and mother's notes on raising all of you. He thought I'd want to at least look it over considering we're not having just one child."

Smiling, she rested her head on his chest and asked "When should we tell the kids?"

"Probably when we have the babies. I doubt they could handle the idea of two new siblings."

Closing her eyes, she felt him kiss the top of her head and listened to his heart beat. It was remained steady and strong the whole time since they have found out they were expecting. She remembered the look in his eye when the doctor told them she carried a child. It was nothing compared to the look that appeared when they found out it was twins and not just one baby. She had never seen the man go white but could of sworn he grew at least pale.

The poor guy had built up the courage to allow for one pregnancy and here they were getting two kids. She knew he was aware of the twin heredity in her family but neither one of them expected it to hit. The extra fatigue had been the flag that made her go see the doctor again and now she was hardly allowed to do anything around here without help. He was just protecting her and ensuring she'll pull through and get to watch the kids grow up but she was starting to miss the independence he had allowed her in the beginning.

"Will is going with us to the arena for a show."

"All three of you?"

He nodded and said "If you and Grace would like to come, I'm sure we can do that."

She smiled and said "I think Grace and I will enjoy having the place to ourselves."

The book was slowly closed and he looked down at her as the light was turned off. She felt his hand slide through her hair and she met his gaze.

"Just promise me you won't push yourself too far."

"I know my limits."

"Yes but I also know you could overdo it since I won't have you under constant watch."

She smirked and said "I'm not complaining."

He looked up at the ceiling and said "You don't have to. I don't like doing it but I can't risk losing you."

Catching his face with her hands, she made him look back at her and said "I know. At first it was a little overwhelming but I am used to it and understand where it is coming from. The only thing I ask is you aren't like this once I have these two. They don't need you anymore overbearing than you usually are."


Laughing, she kissed him and said "Good night Reese."

His eyebrow went up and he made her look at him. She had a teasing look in her eyes and he kissed her.

"I am not overbearing usually."

"Yes you are. Any other woman wouldn't be able to handle it."

His eyes narrowed and he said "Then it's a good thing you aren't one of them."

Laughing, she kissed him and said "I agree."

Looking back up at the ceiling, he felt her curl up closer to him and turned to watch her drift to sleep. She had one arm resting on his chest and the other hand wrapped over her side. Her hair was falling into her face and he brushed it away. Right now is why he was willing to have more children because right now she was just his and he knew she was happy. That was all that mattered to him and allowed him to sleep soundly.

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