Open Your Eyes Chapter Eighteen

Feeling: old

The wind blew the hot afternoon sun away and the stallion shook his head. A snort caught his rider's attention and the man looked up. His eyes looked at the small secluded town and he guided Wind into the market. Slowly he glanced around and saw a group of merchants whispering to one another. Silently he drew the stallion up to them and Wind gave a low snort.

The merchants looked up at him and one asked, "What do you want?"

His eyes narrowed and he pulled Wind away. The taste of disgust hung in his mouth and small laughter caught his attention. Looking down an alley, he saw orphans playing and pulled Wind to a stop. A brunette looked up and smiled as she ran up to him. Silently he knelt down and she handed him a piece of bread.

The food twisted his empty stomach and he kindly refused it. She frowned and then smiled again.

"You going to help us too?"

His eyes narrowed and he looked at the rest of the orphans. They had stopped playing and were watching him wearily. Slowly he looked back at the brunette and picked her up.

"Who is this other person?"

The child smiled and said, "Don't know her name."

A black-haired boy stepped forward and he let the girl down. She walked over to the boy and he held her back.

"No one's here, so get lost."

The words removed the thin string of hope and he turned back to Wind. The stallion tossed his head and he silently slid into the saddle. Quietly he led the stallion back into the street and through the market. Wind shook his mane and gave a snort as they passed through the end of the market. He spotted a small farm and pulled Wind off to the side.

An elder woman knelt over a well humming to herself and he silently approached her. She stood up and turned around, dropping the bucket.

"It's you!"

His eyes narrowed and he held his tongue. Slowly he picked up the empty bucket and lowered it back into the well. The woman looked at Wind and then caught his arm.

"Are you really the Prince?"

He avoided her gaze and pulled up a full bucket of water. Silently he carried it over to Wind and allowed the stallion to enjoy a cooling drink. His hand ran over the beast's face and he took a deep breath.

"She's not here."

His eyes snapped over his shoulder and he looked at an older man holding the woman back. The man held his gaze and he slowly returned the bucket to the well. Silently he slid into the saddle and pulled Wind back.

"She left last night. I had thought she was returning home."

His hands clutched the reigns tighter and he wielded Wind around. The woman tried shouting at him but his ears turned away from her. He drove Wind further south and ran his eyes over the landscape. The end of his father's kingdom was soon to loom into view and the sun was beginning to set. Something pricked at his head and he pulled Wind to a halt.

Slowly he looked back over his shoulder and saw the man riding up to him. Silently he turned Wind to face the man and watched him pull his bay up to them.

"Going that way will only take you to the ruffians running loose around here."

He looked out at the looming forest and cliffs and flicked the reigns. Quietly the stallion galloped to the forest and slowed into a steady walk. The man followed on his bay and they moved passed the trees. A distant noise caught his ear and he glanced up at the darkening sky. Slowly he looked up to the cliffs and saw an outline standing by the edge.

Clashing of metal filled his head and he pushed the stallion to the cliffs. Wind climbed the cliff with the man following behind and they rested just below the summit. Silently he slid from the saddle and left Wind as he drew closer. A man screamed and he saw a flash of metal move as another man fell. One man gripped the attacker and threw them across the summit.

The person rolled out of the attack and met the incoming attack. Material ripped with a swing of a whip and the person hissed. A club was raised and sent into the person's shoulder. They fell back onto the ground and a man dove at them. The scream filled his ears and he watched the blade stick out of the man's back.

The men yelled and the body was shoved off the blade. Three men snapped whips and a man sent a blow to the person's head. The whips ripped material and he heard the blade clash against the ground. His eyes flashed and he drew his sword silently. A man raised a club and he sent him to the ground.

Standing over the hidden person, his eyes burned and the men backed up slowly. The farmer joined him with a lantern and looked down. His groan made him look down and the sword fell from his hand. His eyes landed on the white scar shimmering in the growing darkness and he knelt next to her. He found her arms around her in defense and he slowly retrieved her sword.

The farmer looked down at him and said, "We best go before they decide to attack us."

His arm slid around her shoulder and he carefully rolled her into his arms. He caught up his sword and looked back at the cowering men. One man looked up at him and he walked past them to Wind. Quietly he rested her in the saddle and slid in behind her. His arms held her around the waist and he guided the stallion down the cliff.

The farmer led them back to his home and silently led him into the house. He rested her in the spare room and heard the farmer leave. Taking a deep breath, he placed their swords aside and began inspecting her wounds. She wore bruises on her face and arms. Deep cuts ran down her arms and one ran the length of her neck.

Forcing a calming breath into his lungs, he slid her shirt off and began to wrap the wounds. Silently he bandaged the wounds for the hard ride home and slid her shirt back on. Her hand caught his slowly and he felt it go limp again. He brushed his lips over her forehead and let out a sigh.

"We're going home."

Silently he slid his sword into its sheath and removed her sheath. He took the blade and sheath outside and fastened it onto the side of his saddle. Quietly he returned to the room and lifted her gently into his arms. Slowly he walked outside and slid her into the saddle. Her hands caught the reigns and he watched her mind aiding him in their departure.

A small smirk crossed his face and he slid into the saddle behind her. Her body relaxed against him and he guided Wind into the market. The night covered their journey and he used it to flee from the region. His arm tightened around her waist and he drove the stallion onward. Slowly the sun began to rise and they reached a small grassland.

He allowed Wind to rest and take a cooling drink as he rested by the flowing stream. She rested in his arms and his hand slid through her fiery hair. A low snort brushed his face and he looked up. Wind stood ready to continue and he pulled them both into the saddle. Taking up the reigns, he held her firmly against him and allowed Wind to continue their ride.

Silently the morning past and they stood in the outer lands of the palace at dusk. The sounds from the stables pricked Wind's ears and he pushed the stallion to the courtyard. Reaching the steps, he saw Ala rise to her feet and Bryan quit pacing. His arm tightened around her and his eyes narrowed as they came to a stop.

Ala caught the stallion's reigns and said, "Welcome home."

Bryan glanced at the captain in his arms and fled into the palace. Silently he slid from the saddle and held her firmly in his arms. Ala patted Wind's neck and led him down to the stables. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the palace and was greeted by the doctors. The voices pricked his ears and he shoved past them.

Quietly he stepped into his chambers and shoved the door shut. He carried her into the bed chambers and rested her on the bed. Slowly he untied her boots and put them aside. His hands rested at her shirt and he stopped. He brushed her loose hair back from her face and took a deep breath.


The door flew open and he moved to his feet. Annie caught his shoulder and drew him aside as the doctors surrounded her. His hand clenched into a fist and he pulled himself free. Yanking the men back, he sat next to her and watched them turn to his mother.

"Alexander, let them do their job."

His eyes snapped to the woman and her hand caught his shoulder once more. Silently he followed her out of the chambers and over to his desk. She stood by it and he walked onto the balcony. Resting his hands on the railing, he closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

"You nearly killed yourself."

"I had no choice."

She smirked and said, "You should have more faith in her."

His hands gripped the railing and she approached him. She rested her hand on his shoulder and kissed his forehead.

"We're all glad to have her back. Please get some rest. You're past exhaustion and malnourished."

Silently he looked up at her and she smiled, running her hand over his aged face. He watched her retreat from the chambers and closed his eyes. The doctors caught his attention and he watched them stand around his desk. Slowly he approached them and their small conversation stopped.

The eldest looked at him and said, "She's going to be fine."

His eyes narrowed and the man continued, "You need to rest. You're about to drop."

Frowning, he pushed past the men and walked to the door. Stopping, he took a deep breath and looked back at them.

"Thank you."

They nodded with a smile and said, "Save that for when the child is born."

They left laughing and he tried to take in their words. His eyes moved into the dark chambers and he smirked. Silently he removed his boots and pulled his shirt off. Feeling his exhaustion begging for sleep, he moved to the bed and slid beside her. His arms slid around her and he found her hand resting on her stomach.

The smile crossed his face and he laced his hand with hers. Gently he kissed her lips and watched her rest.

"You knew."

Her hand tightened around his and he kissed her shoulder. His hand slid through her hair and he took a deep breath. Slowly he lowered his head onto the pillow above hers and closed his eyes. His mind was past the ache to sleep and slid into a deep sleep.

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