Where The Wind Blows Chapter 8

Feeling: tired

The horses were talking to one another and Daemon snorted. He looked back at his rider as she brushed him and she glanced up at him. One ear flicked and she smirked. Finishing the job, she rubbed his nose and left the stall. The brush was put away and she checked his water.

Bear trotted up to her and nudged her leg. She looked down at him and saw something in his mouth. Trying to take it from him got him wound up and he ran back to the door. She put her hands on her hips and stared down at him. His tail continued to wag and he lowered his front portion of his body to the floor.


He shook the bag and jumped back when she approached. His ears were up and she tried hard to keep from laughing. Reaching for the bag, she had her hand on it when he ran outside. Letting out a groan, she stood up and stepped outside. She found him sitting in front of Reese and the man examining the bag.

He shook his head and Bear gave a bark. She almost laughed as the dog asked for him to play and watched him jump up on his hind legs. Reese caught him and lowered him down, keeping him from straining his injuries. He pawed at the man's leg but was ignored as Reese approached her. He handed her the bag and stepped into the barn.

"No holes."

She kept her back to him and looked over the material. Thankfully the bag had been spared a painful death she expected it to receive. Bear slowly approached and sat down. He kept his head lowered and she smiled. Rubbing his head, she let him know he wasn't in trouble and his ears went up again.


Looking up, she found Teddy approaching with a bundle of bills and letters and took them from him. She slid them into the bag and secured it shut.

"Mom wants you to be back in time for dinner."

He flashed a devilish grin and winked before heading back to the house. Shaking her head, she turned around and walked into the barn. Her ride was busy eating and she pulled her riding gloves out. Bear nudged her leg and she scratched his head.

"Not this time."

He let out a whine and she shook her head. He walked to the door and laid down. Watching him pout, she turned back to Daemon and found the stallion still ignoring her. She tightened her grip on the bag and approached the stall door.

"I'll take them."

Looking over her shoulder, she met the amber set of eyes from Champ's new stall and shook her head.

"I have to go to town anyways."


Keeping her tongue quiet, she found him waiting for a good reason and hated telling him the truth.

"I'm meeting Doc."

"You won't be riding in alone."

"Daemon is perfectly capable of getting me there and back."

Reese pulled his chestnut stallion out fully tacked and shut the door. He took the bag out of her hand and secured it to the saddle.

"You're riding with me."

"Don't trust me?"

He stared back at her and said "If Doc finds out you rode in to see him, it won't be just your head he'll want."

"So you're watching out for yourself."


Feeling less hesitant, she took a deep breath and nodded. They left the barn and he swung up into the saddle first. She hated the idea of having to ride on Champ with him but knew she wouldn't be able to get around him. He had become immovable when he wanted to be and to keep from lashing out at him she was going to have to let him have his way this time. He held out his hand to help her up and she took it without holding his gaze.

She sat balanced in the saddle as he had Champ head to the rode and felt him catch her arms. He secured them around him to keep her seated and she couldn't help but feel the warmth seep into her. They traveled in a steady trot and took most of the morning to get into town. Champ stopped at the edge of town and he held her hand to assist her off the stallion. When she jerked her hand free he felt the smirk trying to come out but held it in.

He dismounted as she unfastened the bag and they tied Champ up near some other horses. He took the bag from her and she ignored the resentment oozing through her. Her mind was begging her to smack him upside the head and take the bag back but she knew she couldn't afford to draw that kind of attention to either one of them. They entered the mail office and were greeted by the old mail clerk Roy. He smiled when he saw them both in front of him but kept his thoughts to himself.

She leaned against the counter as Reese took care of the bills and letters and watched out the window. The last thing they needed was to be seen together by someone that would let it get back to her family. When they finished their business, she walked outside and headed across the street to Doc's place. He was finishing up with a client when she entered and she took a seat by the examining door. As she waited, her self-appointed companion entered and took the empty chair next to her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Making sure I don't get a censored story."

She stared at him clearly annoyed and he felt like laughing. Every time he showed some sort of normality to her, she got riled up like a wild cat and it was amusing. Doc appeared at his door and smiled when he saw Reese. He shook hands with the man and waved her back. She hopped up on to the examining table as he shut the door and watched him open her file.

"How are you feeling?"


His professional mask fell into place and he said "I doubt you're following my orders."

"I don't push myself."

A snort escaped and she shook her head with a laugh. The man took her vitals and wrote down the essentials.

"Still wrapping them?"


"Let me check."

She pulled her shirt over her head and laid it on the table next to her. He nodded as he checked the wrapping strength and carefully began applying pressure in specific areas. She jerked when he touched the broken ribs and he frowned.

"I thought so."

"They'll heal fine."

He shook his head and said "I'll let you get your shirt back on."

She watched him walk to the door and said "You promised."

His hand rested on the handle and he said "I'm just going to tell him what I think. I doubt you'll listen to me anyways."

The man slipped out of the room and missed the warning look she shot him. Grabbing her shirt, she jerked it back on and hopped off the table. Her ribs reminded her to get a grip and she took a deep breath before leaving the room. When she reached the two she was given her jacket and Doc had another appointment set.

"In a week I want to see progress."

She bit back a retort and said "Sure thing."

Leaving the office, she felt some of the tension and her temper disapate and shoved her hands into her pockets. She looked around the town on the way back to Champ and spotted a very familiar horse tied up across from her ride. Trex looked at her and gave a low call as his ears twitched. Checking over her shoulder, she didn't see any sign of his rider and quietly approached him. He sniffed her hand and she ran her fingers through his black mane.

His nose nudged her pocket and she smirked. Rubbing his ear, she pulled out her pockets and he snorted.

"Next time."

He shook his head and looked down the walk. She carefully looked in that direction and let out a relieved sigh when she didn't see anyone. Champ bumped her shoulder and she looked up at him. Running her hand over his face, she watched his tail swish back and forth and shook her head.

"Like rider like horse."

He snorted and she let the quiet laugh escape. Taking a deep breath, she untied his reins and guided him away from Trex and the other secured horses. Turning him around, she checked the saddle and felt the hand catch hers along the saddle horn. The warmth spread like fire through her and she looked up into amber eyes.

"I can get up without a problem."

His calm face and unemotional stare dug a sigh out of her and she stepped back. He swung up into the saddle and held out his hand. She looked back at Trex and watched him shake his head.

"Know him?"

She put her hand in his and said "Belongs to my brother."

This time she saw a little reaction pass over him but nothing to give away his thoughts. He pulled her up behind him and she wrapped her arms around his waist. A popping sound and a blinding light drew their attention to the right and she felt him tense. The camera was lowered and they found Tom watching with a sneaky grin.


"Hold on."

She tightened her hold on him and he flicked the reins. Champ started in a trot but moved into a gallop when they cleared the town. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she felt her stomach slowly unravel from the knot that had formed. The sun was shifting into the western sky when they slowed into a trot. Champ carried them down the driveway and stopped outside the barn.

Silently he helped her down and she stepped back as he dismounted. He walked Champ into the barn and she ran a hand through her hair. Her nerves were on edge and she didn't dare ask about him. Barking reached her and she looked up long enough to guard herself for impact. Bear's front legs hit her shoulder and he knocked her back into the snow.

The kisses went all over her face and she tried shoving him off but failed. He put weight on her shoulders and held her prisoner.


He ignored her and she rolled onto her side, knocking him off in the process. He ran at her and went for her hidden hands. She kept them guarded until he got close and wrapped her arm around him. Pinning him in the snow, she avoided his mouth and grabbed hold of his paws. He grew still and she heard his defeated sigh before letting him up.

He shook the snow off and she stood up. Brushing herself off, she scratched his head and turned back to the barn. Cal and Reese were watching from the doorway and she caught the amused look on his face. She pushed past the two with Bear at her side and approached Daemon. He sniffed her snow covered hair and shook his head.

"He's been restless since you went to town without him."

She looked over her shoulder and said "Talk to him about it."

Cal glanced at Reese and said "I'll hand it to you. I wouldn't have gotten her to give."

"She didn't have a choice."

He smirked and looked back at Joe. She was saddling Daemon and adjusting the straps.

"What are you doing?"

She walked the stallion out of his stall and shut it. He sniffed her hand and she checked his bridle.

"Taking him for his workout."

"After that blow it's not a good idea."

She ignored Cal's warning and led Daemon outside. Bear stopped at the door and sat down. She caught the saddle horn and swung up. Her ribs weren't pleased with her moving but she bit back the wince.

"Doc said to rest."

That voice unfortunately caught her attention and she looked back at him. He was standing at her side and had a hand on the bridle.

"I know what I'm doing."

"You really want to push it?"

She pulled Daemon free and said "I can take care of myself. Stop wasting time worrying about me."

Flicking the reins, she let Daemon take off and leave him behind. His fist curled at his side and he barely managed to keep silent. Walking back into the barn he ignored Cal's surprised look and entered the office. Standing in front of the desk, he put his hands on the top and took a deep breath. That woman was going to be the death of him before this was over.

"That was harsh."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Why does she think you shouldn't worry?"

"You should ask her, not me."

The man leaned against the door frame and said "You haven't mentioned your feelings I take it."

He turned around and leaned back against the desk. His arms crossed and he stared out the window.

"I don't have feelings to express to her or the insane idea of correcting her thoughts."

"Who are you trying to kid Reese?"

He took a deep breath and said "Myself."

"I thought so. She's as important to you now as she was seven years ago."

"No. It's different this time."

Cal sighed and asked "Because you know nothing good would come of it?"


He shook his head and looked back at his employer. The man was keeping a firm grip on his thoughts but he wasn't succeeding in all categories. Cal could see the temper he was barely keeping in check and knew part of it wasn't anger. It was hurt her words had handed him. Seeing them riding back from town on Champ had given him hope that they might have reached a truce but sadly he was proven wrong.

Rustling drew his attention away from Reese and he saw Bear stand up at attention. His ears were up and then he bolted out the door.

"What's gotten into him?"

Reese left the office and watched the dog take off toward the field. He was following the path Joe and made with Daemon and was in a hurry.

"Where's my gun?"

"Being cleaned."

Cursing, he looked back at the office and spotted the free gun by the cabinet.

"That's Joe's."

He shoved it into his waist on his back and said "Have Champ saddled."

Cal watched him walk outside and asked "What's going on?"

Reese looked back at him and heard flying hooves. Looking back at the pasture, he saw Daemon come over the hill alone and caught the stallion as he raced to the barn. A gun shot echoed and he climbed into the saddle.

"Where are you going?"

"Stay here."

He swung Daemon around and the stallion quickly galloped back to the fields. His pulse was racing as they climbed the first hill and Daemon came to a sudden stop. Scanning the field he saw Bear standing next to her and the man that was holding a wounded arm.


He shoved Daemon on and pulled the gun free. He saw the man lift his weapon and quickly pulled the trigger. The bandit's leg went out from underneath him and he yanked Daemon to a halt when they reached them. Jumping to the ground, he moved to her side and heard the guy trying to sit up.

"Get him."

Bear quickly caught the man with his jaws around the guy's throat and held him prisoner. Reese looked down at her and checked her pulse. Feeling it slow but steady, he rolled her onto her back and found no bullet injuries.

"Wake up Joe."

She didn't respond as he ran his hand through her hair and caught her shoulders. Not finding a single bullet wound, he looked over at the bandit and found Bear had released his throat. He was standing on the man, his paw on the throat.


Looking up the hill, he saw Cal reaching the top with Calli behind him and he looked down at the woman in his arm.

"Joe, I need you to wake up."

He watched her eyes flutter and slowly open. She looked up at him but he wasn't sure she was seeing clearly.


She slowly nodded and he held her against him. Her skin was cold against his from the snow and he kept her secured in his hold as Cal and Calli drew closer.


He looked down at her and heard "I can't breathe."

Smirking, he loosened his hold on her and helped her sit up. She wrapped an arm around her ribs and didn't hold back the quiet cry. He caught her shoulder and had her lean against him for support.

"How bad is it?"

She shook her head and said "I don't know yet."

"What happened?"

She looked over at Daemon and the stallion lowered his head. Reese brushed the hair out of her face and she looked up at him.

"Where is he?"

"Bear's got him."

"I didn't get to apologize earlier."

Chuckling, he hugged her to him again and said "That doesn't matter. Whatever happens we'll deal with it."


"I mean it Joe. I can handle any of your brothers."

She smirked and said "I wasn't worried about what they'd do to you."


They watched Calli reach them and kneel next to her. She nodded and the woman let out a relieved sigh.

"We heard the gun shot in the house."

"Where's Teddy?"

Calli looked at her brother and said "He's in the barn with some of the work hands."

Reese looked over at Cal and watched him move Bear aside. The man was in agony from the bite to his throat and he pulled the guy up to his feet.

"I'll take him back to the barn. Calli, give me a hand."

She nodded and stood up. They bound the man's hands and Cal used his gun against him and Calli helped escort him back to the barn. When they disappeared, Bear trotted over to her and nudged her face.

"I'm fine."

He licked her face and she slowly nudged him away. Glancing up at her help, she caught him staring at the woods.


His jaw tightened and he said "I should've swept them before I left."

She caught the hand resting on her stomach and said "You didn't expect me to get involved."

Amber eyes turned back to her and he said "It's still my job."

Trying to keep coherent when her ribs were screaming and his warmth was luring her to sleep, she felt him stand. He helped her up to her feet and whistled for Daemon. The stallion approached slowly and she caught his face.

"It's not your fault."

He nudged her and she kissed his nose. Reese helped her into the saddle and climbed up behind her. He took the reins and held her to him to keep her from being jarred around too much. Her hand held the saddle horn and she squeezed it whenever their movements jarred. He took his time getting them back to the barn and it was well after dark when Daemon stood outside the barn.

He slid to the ground and caught her waist to help her down. She used him to hold her up while her balance returned and heard his steady heart beat echoing in her ear. Cal came out of the barn and took Daemon inside. Bear led them back to the house and she took a deep breath when they entered the hallway. He helped her with her coat and hung both of theirs up.


He looked over his shoulder and saw the blur tackle her. She fell back into the door and barely managed to keep from throwing him off.

"Teddy, let her go."

He quickly released the woman and asked "How bad is she?"

"I'll live."

They watched her catch her ribs and head to the stairs. She looked up at them and took a deep breath. Reese lifted her into his arms without warning but she didn't complain. Her head rested on his shoulder and she let his warmth help dull her aching bones. He lowered her onto the bed in her room and turned the light on in the bathroom.

"I can take it from here."

He looked back at her and asked "Need anything?"

She smiled and said "Thanks."

That smile was too tempting for him when he had been holding her far too much today. She slid her boots off and stood up. He watched her focus her gaze on the bathroom door and quietly cross the room. She stopped in the doorway and looked back at him. He waited for her to say something but instead she just smirked and slipped behind the door.

Leaning back into the wall, he felt his breath finally return and closed his eyes. He heard the shower start and took a deep breath to release the hold she had put on him. Opening his eyes, he spotted the pain killers sitting by the bed and left the room to get her a glass of water. As he walked downstairs he felt the slow smirk slip on his face and didn't try to fight it off. It may have taken them over a month of butting heads but for now they were at a truce.

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