
Listening to: Avril Lavigne
Feeling: blah

Her heart was in her throat and she felt the ground shaking under her feet. His eyes burned as she held his gaze. Slowly she felt his hand brushing her cheek and she stepped back.


His eyes narrowed and she said, "We can't do this.'

"Tell me why you left."

She bit her lip and said, "Not out here."

Slowly she allowed him inside and closed the door behind him. She locked it and hung her coat up as she watched him move over to the couch. He sat down without a sound and she took a deep breath as she sat in a nearby chair.

His eyes blazed and he said, "Tell me, Faith."

She met his gaze and said, "I had to leave. I had to know that my life was something worth living."

"Something you couldn't learn with me."

She shook her head and said, "The last night I stayed was perfect. You held me through the night but we both know that it was the end. You couldn't keep me safe and I didn't want to be cold and alone."

His eyes narrowed and she said, "You stopped caring when you thought my life was in danger."

Jess got to his feet and said, "That's where you're wrong."

She watched him move over to the counter and heard, "I pushed you away to keep you safe. I loved you too much to watch you get hurt so I did what I could."

Her throat tightened and she felt the tears burning her eyes. Slowly she took in deep breaths and looked at him.

"Jesse, you have to go."

He spun at her words and asked, "Is this what you do all the time? Run away?"

She looked at the floor and said, "I am trying to do what's right. We can't do this."

"You're not the same anymore. You've grown weak."

His words cut through her chest and she slowly got to her feet. She moved to the door and stopped with her hand on the doorknob.

"I left to find myself. I left and in reality, I only hurt the person that means the world to me, so please just leave."

Taking a deep breath, she turned the knob and pulled the door open. She looked over her shoulder and found him watching her. His eyes were full of compassion and she wished she could savor it. Just holding his gaze made her feel as if he was saving her and hiding her from the world. Her hand fell from the doorknob and she brushed a lock of hair from her face.


He moved in front of her and stood a breath away. His eyes were gentle and his hand slid softly through her hair. She remembered the soft caresses and the sweet words and felt her heart breaking. Her soul was crying out for him but she wasn't going to allow herself to fall back into him, into the safety he provided.


She winced at the voice and looked at the doorway. Bryan stood as white as if he had seen death and lived to tell it. Frowning, she lowered her gaze and waited.

"Um...Faith, what's going on here?"

Closing her eyes, she sighed and shoved past Jesse. Everything was a disaster and she just wanted to scream. Bryan met Jesse's gaze and then looked back at her.

"Faith? Who is this guy?"

She collapsed onto the edge of the couch and hid her head in her hands. Her mind was chaotic and the words she wanted to say were trapped in her throat.

"Faith, do you want me to go?"

His voice made her look up and she said, "No."

She watched the small flicker in his eyes and rubbed her temples. Bryan moved closer to her and she could see Jess sizing him up. Slowly she got to her feet and Bryan stopped.

"Bryan, leave before you get yourself into a world of hurt."

He frowned and said, "Tell me who this guy is!"

She glanced at Jesse and said, "The guy that I need to talk with. The guy that I need right now."

Jesse smirked and she caught Bryan's gaze moving from her to him. Slowly he moved back to the door and turned back to her.

"I guess....I'll see you at work then."

She nodded slightly and watched him close the door as he left. Jesse locked it and she ran a shakey hand through her hair.

"You are still quite a mind player, Faith."

She smirked and said, "I just need to figure all of this out."

He watched her move back to the couch and asked, "What exactly?"

She looked up at him and said, "I need to know what I'm going to do with you. I don't think it's wise to let you stay around but then again that's what I want."

Her head felt like a train had hit it and she held it in her hands. He slowly sat next to her and began a soft massage at the nape of her neck.

"I'm not going anywhere unless you say so. Besides, the band doesn't have another gig until next month."

She smirked and looked up at him. His eyes always captured her and she savored his hands on her neck. The pattern was the one she could never forget. He ran over each tight muscle and she felt them loosen at will. Closing her eyes, she leaned back against him and just allowed herself a chance to live life, not think it through.


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Love the new chapter!!! Your writing is just as amazing as always. Keep up the amazing work.