Brykolakas Tragond 21.

Feeling: tired

The sunset reflected off the water and the waves gently rocked the docked boat. He leaned his head against the back of the seat and propped his boots up against the control dash. His eyes slowly grew heavy and he fought the wave of sleep. He felt the shift of weight on the port side and slowly climbed to his feet. Belenus looked at him and Aedan watched Aine climb onto the deck.

Her eyes were hard and she barely acknowledged him as she disappeared into the cabin. His eyes narrowed and he walked to the cabin stairs. He stepped into the quaint living space and saw her throw her bag onto the made up bed. She walked over to the counter and her fist struck the counter top. She let out a painful breath and he slowly rested a hip in the door way.

"Something come up?"

She closed her eyes and sighed "Please just give me a minute."

He didn't budge and she looked over her shoulder. She shoved her hand through her hair and leaned back against the counter. He met the frustrated look and slowly crossed his arms across his chest.

"What happened?"

She took a deep breath and met his gaze.

"Coyle's alive."

Aedan felt something spark inside and tightened his jaw. She looked away and let out another sigh. Silently she crossed the cabin and took a seat on the bed. Her arms rested on her knees and she held the back of her neck. He watched her take slow calming breaths and held his tongue.

"We're to hunt him down tomorrow."

"What about tonight?"

She forced a smirk and said "We've got dinner plans."

He raised an eyebrow and asked "With who?"

She looked up at him and said "You'll see."

His mouth tightened into a stern frown and she heard the distant laugh from her lips. Slowly she leaned down and unlaced her boots. He watched her slip them off and her fingers slowly worked her blonde hair free. His breath caught in his throat as she peeled her t-shirt off and tossed it onto the bed.

"What do you think you're doing?"

She smirked and said "Getting cleaned up."

He watched her stand up and unfasten her pants as she walked back to the bathroom. He didn't dare move and felt his chest burning as the door shut behind her. Letting out a painful sigh, he walked back up onto the deck and put distance between them. He took up his perch behind the controls and leaned his head back. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh.

The woman had been so furious when she had arrived but somehow that had dissipated. Now he was being tormented by the simplest tasks and he knew there was no time for him to find any way of relief other than applying distance. He took a deep breath of the cooling air and shoved his hands through his hair. Belenus slowly came up to him and he rubbed the wolf's ear. He heard the content sigh and watched the wolf lean into his caress.

"You and me are in trouble."

He snorted and Aedan chuckled as the wolf returned to the stern. He shook his head and closed his eyes. He could hear the birds flying over head and heard distant voices from the village nearby.

"You plan on going like that?"

He opened his eyes slowly and found the tempting woman leaning against the controls. He swept his eyes over her and took in the black blouse and dark blue jeans. Her hair was falling freely down her back and he saw the metal chain around her neck with the rings tucked under her shirt.

"I see you're wearing those again."

She caught the chain and said "Part of the job."

He frowned and slowly climbed to his feet. He walked past her and she caught his hand. Aedan looked back at her and she pulled him down into a warm comforting kiss. Her lips slid over his like silk and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Her fingers slid through his hair and she sighed into the kiss.

He lifted his head and asked "Feeling better?"

She smiled and he felt his heart flip. That genuine smile was rare but when it appeared it did strange things to him. He captured her smile with another kiss and her fingers curled in his blonde locks. She slid her fingers down the grown golden mane and wrapped the edges around her fingers. Slowly he lifted his mouth away and she met his passionate stare.

"Go get cleaned up before I change my mind."

He slowly released her and walked away. She watched him disappear down below and took a deep breath. Her legs had grown shakey from his powerful kisses and she sat down in his previously occupied seat. She slid her fingers through her hair and closed her eyes. The man had relaxed her and at the same time made her skin feel very uncomfortable.

She heard the soft footsteps and opened her eyes. Belenus came up to her and rested his head on her lap. The black wolf stared up at her and she slid her fingers along his head. Gently she began rubbing his ear and listened to the quiet moan. She smirked and remembered the wolf getting the same attention from Aedan.

It had taken this entire trip before Belenus had warmed up to the blonde man but now he sought the man's attention when she wasn't around. The wolf leaned into her touch and she kissed his nose. He pulled his head back and sneezed. She laughed and watched his ears go up. Belenus looked back toward the stern and she watched Aedan step out onto the deck.

A blonde eyebrow was raised and he asked "Did I just hear you laughing?"

She smiled and said "Yes."

He crossed the deck in two broad steps and pulled her up against him. His mouth ravaged hers and her arms wrapped around his neck. When he pulled back, she took a deep breath and rested her head beneath his chin.

"You look very sharp."

He smirked and tilted her chin up to look into her eyes. His fingers brushed blonde strands from her face.

"Ready to go?"

She slowly nodded and he dropped his hand to his side. Quietly she walked past him and grabbed the waiting jacket by the port side. She slid it over her shoulders and flipped her hair free. Grabbing the port wall, she slipped over onto the deck and heard Belenus land next to her. Aedan joined her moments later and handed her the lead for the wolf's choker.

Belenus snorted when he spotted the lead and she quickly snapped it into place. The wolf shook his head and she rubbed his ear.

"The girls wanted him to come visit."

Aedan shrugged and said "We'll see how he handles."

She smirked and led the way off the dock. Quietly he followed her into the calm village and down the main street. She led him up a stoned walkway and knocked on a dark cherry door. He waited silently and heard running feet approaching the doors. The door was flung open and two girls squealed before throwing themselves onto the wolf.

Belenus jerked against the lead and she unfastened the restraint. The wolf took off around the yard and the girls chased him. Aedan shook his head and watched the wolf drop onto his side as the girls tackled him.

"I'd never believe it."

"He loves those two."

Aedan looked back down at her and she said "Let's go before their parents come looking for us."

He followed her into the house and closed the door. A man with ebony hair stood waiting at the end of the hall with a woman a few inches shorter than him standing against his side. The woman smiled when they were spotted and ran down the hall to Aine. She threw her arms around the woman and laughed.

"I'm so glad you're here!"

"Let her breath, Lis."

The woman pulled back smiling and said "I just was so thrilled to hear you were back."

Aine flipped hair out of her face and said "I was told I had to eat here tonight."

Lisa nodded and met the silent man's stare behind her. Her smile brightened and she held out a small hand. Aedan looked at the extended hand and slowly took her small hand in his hand. She gave him a firm shake and pulled him down the hall to meet her husband.

"I want you to show him around without killing him."

The man chuckled and said "I'll behave."

Lisa gave him a gentle kiss and Aedan glanced back at Aine. She stood watching with a faint smirk on her face and nodded when she met his gaze. He sighed before turning to the ebony haired man and was led away.

Lisa looked back at her and said "My, he's an eye full."

Aine shook her head and said "You're married."

The woman laughed as she drug her into the kitchen.

"I was meaning for you."

Aine took a seat on a bar stool and watched the woman chop up the remaining vegetables.

"Do you want some meat tonight?"

"Sounds fine."

Lisa looked at her and asked "Are you really feeling better?"

She nodded and the woman sighed "I'm glad. You were deathly ill the last time we saw you."

Aine hooked a foot behind one of the stool legs and watched the woman drop the food into a bowl. She studied Lisa's culinary skills with some envy. Her whole life she had been trained to fend for herself and to eat only when needed. Here was a woman that loved cooking and selfishly trained until her skills were a gift from God.


She blinked before looking at the woman. Lisa had put the food away while she had drifted off in thought and was holding a glass of tea in her hand.


The woman smiled and asked "Thinking about that handsome man you brought to dinner?"

She took the glass and said "No."


She took a sip to keep from snorting and watched the woman glance out the window.

"Those girls really do love Belenus."

"You can't keep him."

Lisa smiled and said "I know."

She finished her glass of tea and placed it on the bar. Lisa rinsed it out and placed it in the dishwasher.

"Tell me, when do you plan on leaving on your next mission?"


Lisa turned back around and asked "Will this be the last one?"

She shrugged and said "I don't know."

The woman frowned and said "You are in the prime of your life. I can't believe that brother of yours doesn't let you slow down."

Her skin tightened at the name and she met Lisa's apologetic stare. The woman's husband had hunted her down while she had been hunting the last lines of Coyle's family. He had come forward and claimed to be her brother. He showed her all his birth records and had welcomed her into this warm family. Lisa had taken her under her wing when she had nearly collapsed a few years ago and now whenever she returned, it felt oddly like returning home.

"It's my calling, Lis."

The woman sighed and said "I know. I just wish your calling would pass on to another."

She smirked and said "Only if I end up with brats like you."

The woman smiled and said "I pray you do."

The door opened from the study and they watched the two men enter. Aedan stayed at the door and the other man quietly approached them. He was holding his hand over his eye and Aine sent a questioning gaze back to the lagging man. Lisa let out a sigh and she turned to find the man sporting the beginnings of a real shiner.

"You two not get along?"

The man stared back at her and said "I gave him my opinion."

She shook her head.

"Men will always be boys."

Lisa laughed and said "That they will."

The woman placed an ice pack on the man's face and he let out a yelp.

"Oh hold still Harm."

He jerked the ice pack away and said "Only if you stop trying to kill me."

Aine rolled her eyes and watched Lisa lead the man out of the kitchen. She listened to the door swing shut and wheeled back around to the silent blonde man. He raised one eyebrow and she slid to her feet. Quietly she crossed the room and caught his chin in her hand. Her grip kept him silent and he let her examine his face.

"I'm not surprised."

She released his chin and he rolled his jaw loose. She may be quiet spoken but the woman had a grip from hell.

"You might have left a mark."

She smirked and said "Good."

He rubbed his jaw looser and said "The man pushed his limit."

"So you slugged him?"

"He claimed that he knew what was best for you and that I needed to treat you better."

Slowly she looked up into his steady gaze and saw the small flicker of annoyance.

She smiled and said "He is my brother."

"So he said."

She laughed and slid her arms around his neck. The man was still furious with Harm's speech and she found herself amused. Slowly she slid her lips over his jaw where she had clutched his chin. He stiffened at the touch and she trailed small kisses up to his stiff mouth.


"Oh lighten up."

He caught her hips and pressed her against him. She felt his reasoning and slowly looked up into his fiery stare.

"I'll just have to make it up to you tonight."

His eyes darkened and she didn't get a second to blink before his mouth was crushing over hers. His hand held her head to him and her hair was crushed in his hand. Her arms slid up his chest and slowly wrapped around his neck. She sighed into the passionate kiss and felt him slowly pull away. His eyes simmered with unresolved passion and she slid her fingers over his lower lip.


He smirked and she felt him release her. She took a deep breath to calm her racing hormones and pulled back. The door opened as she returned to her seat and Lis looked at them with a mother's eye.

"I better not have to separate you two."


The woman laughed and said "I'm just kidding. Aine, be a dear and take these pills into Harm."

She took the aspirin and asked "Still being a baby about one punch?"

The woman chuckled and said "It was two my dear and yes, he's milking it. He's got two grown women fussing over him, so why wouldn't he?"

Aine shot one look back at Aedan and met the firm possessive look on his face. A hint of amusement flashed in his eyes and she shook her head as she left the room.

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