watch me as i fall asleep

hahahahaha today in science class it was hilarious we were watching this movie and haha ya i was falling asleep and like my head was bobbiling and stuff and like ya i look up cuz i kind of like woke up or something and the first person i see looking back at me is eilers and he's sitting there laughing at me and the little student teacher lady girl person and ya it was soo funny and ya i was kind of laughing and after that point i was pretty much awake and ya i laugh and laugh cuz i thought it was hilarious cuz they were watching me bobble and sleep lol and ya im laughing right now cuz it was pretty funny oh and then it was funny i was in eilers room for golf and were making rockets and i went over to him cuz he was fiddling with them and stuff and like he was holding liz's and he was making her letters blacker because her rocket it called "the ship" but it was first " the shit" and like you can tell thats what it was but they tried making the t in shit a p so it was appropriate for school and eilers was trying to make it actually look like a p and he's like i should just say she cant launch it and im like ya haha that'd be funny but id feel bad but i didnt say that but then im like well just put white on it cuz its white in that area and he's like ya that was my next thing so he did and now it looks funny and i cant wait till tomorrow when she complains about how it looks and that eilers made it "ugly" cuz in her eyes nothing is perfect once someone else has touched it so it will be funny and eilers and i will laugh lol ya i would have to say i love that class eilers is pretty cool but ya i cant wait for tomorrow when i get to laugh at her hahaha hahaha ya thats right we told you that the j-rated rocket is better muahahahhahaha
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liz who... nice goin though... c-ya