so far..

i dont feel good again except this time i have a headache.. im tireder then all hell and my nerves are jumping and i still cannot breath also if i touch an area on my backbone it feels bruised which is bad as your backbone is like important and it also was creating this pain a bit ago where it was driving pain all the way down my arm.. ugh so much to deal with and today ive gone to church did the papers and went to play cards with elderly ladies and now am off to church for potluck supper.. ugh and im deadbeat tired as last night i could not sleep if my life depended on it.. i was looking forward to today and then no.. and its cuz i thought of it to much.. i like went to bed at like 12 i think i dont remember but i fell asleep then i woke up at 1 and stayed awake in my bed until 7 then i had to get up at 8 and go to church.. so i havent slept but i did rest i guess.. and ugh i dont know.. to many thoughts that dont get to happen i guess.. tear.. oh well i guess.. its the way it goes.. and now i am off to church until 7 or thats when it is done and ugh i dont want to go as they are gonna make me bust tables and i dont have energy for that i cant stand that long im gonna pass out.. i want to pour drinks and its only fair as i was the only kid that went to church today so if any of the other kids get to im gonna be pissed.. wish me luck.. damn penguins.
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poor kid...poor sleepy kid i have been sleeping like all day :P damn penguins? why damn penguins?